Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baking Mix

I have been making this baking mix for several years now and I love it! The recipe came from Mother Earth News magazine and was submitted by Sophia Dobra, I want to give a big thanks to both! I use a LOT of this making buttermilk biscuits, beer breads, pancakes, muffins, cookies, etc. I also use this mix as the base in my Gourmet Baking Mixes I sell at the Farmers Market. If you don't think you will use it all up in about a month, store part in the fridge or the freezer so the baking powder doesn't lose its effectiveness.

I have added the label "Baking Mix" to all the recipes I have posted using it. If you click on the "Baking Mix" label at the end of this post, it will call up all the recipes. I will be adding more recipes using this mix as time goes by!

Baking Mix               **Click here to print this recipe**

5 pounds all-purpose unbleached flour
1 cup raw wheat germ
3/4 cup baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
2-3 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar

Put about two-thirds of the flour in a large mixing bowl, add remaining ingredients.

 Using a wire whisk, stir together well. Add remaining flour and stir together well again to make sure everything is evenly distributed. 

I store mine on the counter in a large, wide-mouth jar.


  1. Hi Candy, I am off to the store to get the supplies to try your baking mix. Sounds Yummy. I want to try some of your recipes. As for me I have always thought bread and butter is one of the main food groups.

  2. Wait, you mean bread and butter ISN'T one of the main food groups!?! LOL!! Hope you like the recipes!

  3. Can you post some recipes you use with your baking mix, I use a mix from chickens in the road, and have recipes from her, but I'm always looking for new recipes and mixes.

  4. Hi Primginger!
    I just added the label "Baking Mix" to all the recipes I have posted using it. If you click on the "Baking Mix" label at the end of this post it will call up all the recipes. Glad you asked about it, I should have tied them together a long time ago! There will be more recipes coming too, I use the Baking Mix A LOT!! LOL!!

  5. You are very welcome Kristina! :)

  6. Sorry, I just saw that link here~!

  7. Do you think this would work as a gluten free baking mix? If I leave out the wheat germ & use gluten free all purpose flour?

  8. Erin,

    I have absolutely NO experience with gluten free! Maybe you could try a half a batch (or a third might be even easier to figure) and see how it works. Let me know what happens if you decide to give it a try! :)

  9. Thanks for the recipe! This morning we made pancakes from this- 1.5c. Baking Mix, 1 large Egg, 1tbsp. oil and 1.25-1.5c almond milk (we're dairy free for the time being). They were thick and fluffy, great taste. I had to turn my griddle up higher than normal (closer to 400 degrees), but the kids and I were pleased! This made roughly ten 5" pancakes. Next time I will work towards a thinner '49ers' style pancake, as that is what my family prefers. Thanks again!

  10. Cori,
    Thanks for letting my know how you liked the Baking Mix! Your pancakes sound lovely! :)

  11. Thank you for this great tutorial! I had a recipe for baking mix from my mother in law, many years ago but have lost it. I've been thinking about making my own again so it was good luck to find your blog!

    I'm looking forward to following your very helpful blog!


  12. RaShell,
    Thanks for signing up as a follower! I have quite a few recipes on here using the Baking Mix, if you do a search in the box at the top of the blog for "Baking Mix" you should find them all. I will also be adding more as time goes by! :)

  13. I'm really glad this post popped up on the side of your blog.
    I have bookmarked it, and I am about to bookmark several others for using when I finally have a working kitchen again.

    Much appreciated!

  14. Hey Candy... would or do you use this mix in place of Bisquick?

  15. I have that same container, got mine at Tar-jay...I've been looking for a good pancake mix, we eat alot of pancooks around here...thank you.

  16. Thanks for the recipe! I love pre-made mixes and have used them a lot over the years!

  17. Nice to "meet" you, Candy! I found you through Michelle who was featuring your baking mix. I'm definitely going to give this a try too. Sounds wonderful!

    Have a great week!

  18. I do not know how I missed this before when I have visited your blog. I actually make a baking mix very much like this, but I am going to try yours and all your lovely recipes. Thank you for sharing! ... :) Pat

  19. Thank you for posting this and for tagging all the recipes with "baking mix". There ARE a lot of recipes. :-) I've pinned this and plan to try several of them.

    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead

  20. JP,
    Yes you can, especially if you don't think you will use it up within about six weeks. That will help keep the baking powder active. You can also just store half in the fridge and leave the rest out on the counter. Thanks for stopping by! :)


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