Friday, May 27, 2011

Early Summer Garden

I love the early summer garden! You can still harvest some of the cooler weather crops while the summer crops are getting started. I have green beans coming up in between the snow pea plants and summer squash coming up in the lettuce bed! Some of the squash are blossoming and I even have a couple of baby Clairmore zucchini setting on! The second picture is of one of my Tatume squash plants.

I still have cabbages, broccoli and lettuce growing. The lettuce is starting to go to seed so the chickens will be getting extra greens this week! The spinach was done a couple of weeks ago.

The Swiss chard will last pretty much all summer, I love cut-and-come-again crops! (Hmmm...don't know why the picture turned out all cock-eyed!)

I picked my first cherry tomato the other day and stood right in the middle of the garden and ate it! I did offer it to Jerry first though! I have fifteen tomato plants with seven different varieties.

I have some of my herbs growing in containers in the garden. The dill and cilantro however are growing wherever they want to! The cilantro is already going to seed because it is so hot here. I started the tomatoes, peppers and eggplant from seed this past winter. I buy most of my seeds from Baker Creek, love them!!


  1. Everything looks wonderful! I am so behind in my garden. I'm hoping to get something planted before fall's first frost.


  2. Thanks for stopping by Teresa! I visited your blog, great work! I'm sure you will get your garden going LOONG before fall's first frost!


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