Friday, July 22, 2011

Stuffed Ronde de Nice Zucchini

When I decided to grow produce to sell at the Farmers Market last year, I wanted to grow some different things. Almost every vendor has the classic Black Beauty zucchini so I went with Bennings Green Tint Scallop, Clairmore zucchini, Tatume Mexican squash and these French heirlooms. Not only do the plants perform well for me but the zucchini are just too durn cute! How could you NOT want to use these for stuffed zucchini! :) I purchased my seeds from Baker Creek last year, this is the second year of planting that I have gotten out of them.

I made this dish last year for the first time and based it on a recipe I found at

3 Ronde de Nice squash (large zucchini cut in half lengthwise may be substituted for the Ronde de Nice.)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
1/2 pound lean ground beef
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
Salt and Seasoned Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. If necessary, cut a small slice from the bottom of the Ronde de Nice squash so that they sit flat. Cut off the top about 2 inches from the stem end, leaving a nice wide hole. Using a spoon, scoop out the insides leaving a 1/4-inch thick wall of squash on all sides. Trim the top of the squash. Set the squash flesh aside. Season the inside of each squash with salt and turn upside down onto a plate. (The salt will draw out the moisture.)

In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until tender. Add the ground beef, raise the heat to medium and cook, stirring often to break up the meat, until it is no longer pink.
Finely chop the reserved squash flesh and add it to the onion-beef mixture with the oregano, basil, thyme and a little salt and Seasoned Pepper to taste. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the squash is tender, about 5 minutes. Add the tomato sauce and bread crumbs and cook for one minute longer.
Turn the squash right-side up and stuff them with the filling. Place them in a baking dish sprayed with a little non-stick spray and add about 1/2-inch of water to the pan.

Cover the dish tightly with foil. Bake until the squash is tender when pierced with a knife, about 45 to 50 minutes. Remove the foil, raise the oven temperature to 400 degrees, sprinkle the squash with some grated cheese and continue baking until the cheese has browned.

I hope you try growing these delightful little squash for yourself next year!

Linking to the  Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop


  1. those squash are pretty darn cute.

  2. They are a cute variety of zucchini. I love the way that recipe sounds!

  3. I LOVE THOSE ZUCCHINI! I absolutely MUST grow some next year! Thank you so much for turning me on to them! What a welcome change to the 'normal' ones! We hope to set up a farmer's market in our area to sell our produce, and these I am certain, will be a real hit. I'm going to check out your link to Baker Creek for more inspiration! Your recipe is similar to my own, which I should share too someday!

  4. texwisgirl,

    Yep, LOTS of cute factor going on! :)

  5. Teresa,

    The filling was a big hit with both Jerry and his mom (and me too!), I think it would go well in any kind of squash or even stuffed peppers.

  6. TASO,

    Yes, yes, please share your recipe!! :) I know I am always looking for new recipes and inspiration! I have been very pleased with how these plants and the Tatume Mexican squash perform. Baker Creek has TONS of inspiration, their catalog is beautiful!

  7. These look delicious! We are growing butternut squash in our polytunnel: never grown them before and it's so exciting seeing them form their beautiful shape. Thanks for looking at our blog earlier and your kind comment. Geoff & Beccy

  8. Geoff & Beccy,

    It sure is fun to grow new things in the garden! I am going to have to try butternut squash one of these years! :)

  9. Oooh, now these do look like mine! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and for directing me to the recipe. Will have to give it a try..thanks!

  10. I grew these last year and really like them a lot! The plants are prolific and did well against mildew and disease too. Thanks for highlighting them!

  11. So, last Spring I bought a couple Ronde starts at the Farmer's Market, enjoyed the squash as did the deer after they knocked the light fence down. Spring 2013, better fence an ordered some seeds. I had poor results with transplants but a couple took off, as of July 1 we've harvested 6 or so, more coming.

    Here's what we did with this recipe:

    3) Ronde squash, 2 were grapefruit size one near cantalope size, too big you say? Nope, still great.
    1.5 pounds x-lean burger
    chopped up half a small WFs Thyme packet.
    Some "Italian Spice" (no oregano handy)
    Breadcrumbs, we used Ian's Panko Italian Gluten Free crumbs.
    Small can of tomato paste.
    Rest was the recipe here, except we baked it at about 375 for maybe 90 minutes. Broiled a little Parmesan cheese on top at the end.

    The result: Really good, squash were a bit firm, crisp yet, but we liked that, flavor was great. This was dinner for 5 (along with Salmon and veggies) and enough was left for a nice lunch for 3.

    Ronde de Nice is great stuff!

  12. Gerryincville,
    I agree, the Ronde de Nice are really a great little squash! Your recipe sounds wonderful. You cook like me, start with an idea and alter to fit what is on hand and what we like! Thanks for the feedback! :)


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