Sunday, August 14, 2011

Seasoning Blends Giveaway!

To celebrate absolutely nothing, I have decided to give away a nice selection of my gourmet seasoning blends! :) Actually, since I can sell bread again at the Farmers Market, I won't be selling these, I have plenty to use up myself, and I would like them to go to someone who would use them and appreciate them. None of my family or friends is that into cooking! LOL!! The box contains one each: Indian Seasoning, Chinese Seasoning, Lemon Pepper, Salt-Free Herb Seasoning, House Seasoning, Cajun Seasoning, Seasoned Salt and Seasoned Pepper. To enter, simply leave a comment on my blog and I will randomly draw a winner on Thursday, August 18, 2011. Good luck and happy cooking!


  1. Love reading your blog. Please sign me up for the giveaway.

  2. What changed that you are allowed to sell home made bread now? Was is city regulations or something like that? The public should be allowed to make this choice on their own without government regulations! Glad to hear you can do it again! Would enjoy sampling your seasoning handiwork, too!

  3. Yes, what changed that you can now sell bread?

  4. Got you all signed up! :)

    Tatiana and dr momi,

    It was actually the AZ Dept of Health Services that relaxed the regulations and created the "Home Baked and Confectionary Goods Program" to "allow residents to produce non-potentially hazardous baked and confectionary products in their homes and to offer them for commercial sale within the state." I guess a LOT of states allow this (there was an article in Hobby Farms awhile back) and I am just tickled that AZ finally got onboard! I took 38 items to the Market yesterday and all but one sold! :)

  5. Good news! Funny, "non-potentially hazardous ..." LOL But sadly too subjective to make me feel they definitely gave themselves a loophole if they choose to change this or modify it!!! Congrats on your sales too!

  6. It's awesome that you can sell bread; I think that is just crazy to limit our choices in food and drink they way the government has been doing lately. But anyway, your spices look interesting and I'd love to have the opportunity to try them.

  7. madame1313,

    Thanks for stopping by! I agree with you about "Big Brother" being too involved in what they think we should be able to eat and drink! :(

  8. Oh my gosh, these look fabulous!! Sign me up, and thanks for the opportunity!!

  9. Thanks for the chance to win! I just started going to market this year and getting my license to take jam/jelly! Maybe someday I can take spices too! ;)

  10. Amy and Pam,

    Got you both signed up! Thanks! :)

  11. What a great giveaway! I love trying new seasonings.

  12. City Chick,

    Thanks for signing up! :)

  13. great that you can sell bread again! The seasonings sound great. What a great giveaway!

  14. Thanks Teresa! Got you signed up!

  15. Love your blog, thanks for the opportunity to win some of your homemade spice mixes. The Indian seasoning mix sounds really interesting, I have just started cooking some chinese so would love to have that, & my husband loves cajun, anything cajun.
    Happy for you that your are able to sell all those different kinds of breads again.

  16. Thanks Sharon! The Indian and Chinese are both really good and smell amazing! I am busy baking right now to start getting ready for Saturday! :)

  17. Mmmmm....I love Indian food but have never had the gumption to try and make it myself! Love your blog! It's so nice to read about different farmgirls all over the country!

  18. My husband is an avid chef and I have been his sous chef for 20 years.

    WE would love to try some of your spices!

  19. Had to give up selling home baked/canned goods here unless I wanted to pay $100 for a license to do so... Did really well selling home made cinnamon rolls too. Glad to hear you are able to sell bread again!
    Love your blog! Would love to try the spice blends count me in!

  20. militaryfarmgirl, Melody and Pookie,

    Got you all added to the list! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  21. I don't know how I missed this post. Count me in on the drawing.

  22. Please sign me up for your giveaway! Your blog is fantastic!

  23. Thanks Erin! :) You are added to the list!

  24. Awesome giveaway! I hope you'll enter me! Thank you!

  25. Thanks for stopping by Megan, got you entered!

  26. Candy this is Emily...I was one of your pay it forward recipients. We love your house seasoning! I emailed you about purchasing some and then when I didn't hear from you I searched your blog hoping to find a "store" but the only thing that came up was this (oldish) post. I tried making my own using the ingredients list on the label but it just wasn't the same. Would you be willing to share the measurements or can I buy some from you? And you now have me curious about your Indian and Chinese blends...";OP
    Hope to hear from ya soon.


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