Thursday, November 10, 2011

Meet Andy!

This is Andy, he is here to visit with Abigail for a few days! ;-)

What a handsome fella he is! Of course, Abigail wanted nothing to do with him for the first couple of days and he was actually afraid of her and would run away whenever she came near! LOL!! He really does have a sweet temperment. Jerry went and picked him up from some friends of ours on Tuesday morning. He got right in the trailer in spite of the fact that he hadn't been away from home since they got him as a baby a couple of years ago. Jerry backed the trailer as close to his pen as he could and then wanted me to lead him in because "He STINKS and he might get on me!" All was going well (despite the horses being out and coming over to see who the new guy was) until Buddy came around the corner and startled Andy!

I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to scare him!
Andy is a big boy and outweighs me by more than 50 pounds so when he decided he was going somewhere else, I ended up on my rear! Luckily, only my pride was hurt! Jerry was able to lead him into the pen after a few minutes of letting him calm down (and me making Buddy leave the area!).

Poor Andy, he missed home and all his "girls" and did nothing but cry every time he would see one of us for the first two days! I really felt bad for him. Yesterday, I put Abigail in with him and, like I mentioned, he was afraid of her and was crying even louder! I thought about it last night and had decided that if things didn't start happening by today, I was probably going to have to take Andy home and try to find a different buck.

This morning, when I went down to milk, Andy was NOT standing by the fence crying but Abigail was waiting to be fed. My first thought was "Oh man, I hope he didn't die!" I walked down towards the pen calling for Andy and he stuck his head out the door, whew! I was glad he had quit crying too.

After I was finished milking Madeline, Jerry came down to help me feed and I noticed the first signs of "love" between Abigail and Andy! YAY!! There was much wagging of tail on Abigail's part and Andy was definitely no longer afraid of her!

Don't they make a lovely couple as they waltz around the goat pen?!? I figure I will leave them together until Sunday morning and then take Andy home. I'm sure his girls all miss him!!


  1. well, i hope their date goes well. but i'm completely in love with your dog!!! what a handsome guy!

  2. Maybe you should try playing some Barry White...

  3. Aw, I hope their date goes well. ;) Maybe some candle light would help? ;)

  4. Hope date night went well. I sometimes wish we had someone we could borrow a buck from. At least your stinky fella goes BACK home after a few days.

  5. I agree with TexWisGirl. He is a handsome guy. But the goats are cute to. Let me know how it works out.

  6. What a handsome goat. You'll have pretty babies.

  7. HC was right - Barry White might do the trick! I plan to take Sage to visit her beau next year. I am not a fan of stinky goats - although they are cute from a distance!

  8. Glad that they decided to find the "love." Can't wait for spring to see pics of the babies now!!! Love kids, they are sooooo cute!
    What kind of goat are they? I don't know all my goat breeds, but was guessing a Neubian? due to the long ears. I gave my sister mine.

  9. just found you blog, love it, for some reason my profile pic does not show up on the followers. Stop by to visit our blog. Love the goats.

  10. Thanks everyone for the nice comments! I should have thought of some Barry White music right off, the king of the love song! It seems as though things are progressing nicely, we will take Andy home on Sunday so he can be back with his regular girls. I think Abigail is ready for him to leave now! LOL!! He really is a nice buck, not too aggresive.

    Sweetland Farm,
    Andy is a purebred Nubian and Abigail is half Nubian half Alpine.

    Thanks for following! :) I don't know why the picture isn't showing up, dang computers anyway! I will be sure to stop by your blog!

  11. Play some music so they can dance the rhumba! That will do it!

  12. They will make such beautiful babies!

  13. Millie you rascal! We know you got to rhumba this year! ;-)

    I'm sure hoping so, nothing cuter than baby goaties! :)

  14. I love a billy who is not aggressive or without consideration for the nanny - time is what we all need to have the right union. Hope that you will be expecting and that the increasing of your farm goes smoothly.

  15. Grace,
    I agree and I was very impressed with Andy! I hope to borrow him again next year.

  16. I'll be looking fowward to the picture of the little kids in the spring. :) I remember bucks as scary and smelly from my childhood. Andy sounds like he isn't too bad, though.

  17. Kateri,
    He is still smelly, but not as bad as some! I'm usually kinda scared of them just because they get "focused" and don't pay attention to anything else but I'm really impressed with how mellow Andy is! :) I will definitely post baby pictures in the spring!


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