Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Tails, #1

I thought I would try something new. Mama Tea at A Farmish Kind of Life has her Sunday Scribbles, the discussion on roundabouts was a riot this week! Susan at e-i-e-i-omg has her Monday Musings, I always look forward to them and the comments are sometimes just as entertaining as the post! And there are several people who do Wordless Wednesday and Thankful Thursday and don't forget the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop at Deborah Jean's Dandelion House! I thought I would try Tuesday's Tails and feature the animals around the Lazy J Bar C, both domestic and wild. If this sounds like fun, please feel free to start your own Tuesday's Tails! :)

For this week I thought I would share some pictures I took out the kitchen window last week.

What you can't see is just to the right of the picture is my little 4-foot tall extra dwarf peach tree! He is helping himself to some the fallen leaves. Of course, he also helped himself to a few that were still on the tree but he didn't do too much damage! ;-)

See ya! Thanks for stopping by and letting me take your picture!

And on a totally unrelated subject, Mary Beth at Oklahoma Pastry Cloth had a great post yesterday about taking advantage of produce that is currently on sale, like celery and sweet potatoes, and dehydrating it for future use. Check out her post here, it inspired me to look for good buys on my next trip to the grocery store!


  1. That is a fun idea. What a gorgeous deer. We often have them grazing in our yard when we wake up in the morning. Great to look at, not so great for the the fruit trees.

  2. TWG,
    He has been around a few times but this was the first time it was light enough for me to get his picture!

    Luckily, he only nibbled a bit on the tree! :)

  3. Great idea! What a beautiful deer. You seem so calm, having him that close to your little peach tree. I would whooping and hollering out the door!

  4. Susan,
    He seemed more interested in the leaves on the ground or I would have been! ;-)

  5. Fun theme, Candy. That's a nice little buck. We've had deer around here, too. I love living in the country! :o)

  6. Deer are everywhere here. I had to stop the car yesterday morning and wait. He was standing in the middle of the road (in the dark) staring at my car. Finally he turned and casually walked away!

  7. I love this post and the deer pictures. We don't get too many deer here anymore, too many houses now, but we did have a coyote walking down the center of our road a few days ago. Have a good night.

  8. MF,
    I can't imagine having to move back to town or, heaven forbid, the city! Farm living is the life for me!

  9. Kathy,
    It's funny how sometimes they aren't afraid and just look at you like you are annoying them! LOL!!

  10. Heidi,
    We have had more coyote sightings than deer sightings recently. That is why my cats live indoors now!

  11. We typically see deer on our property, but this year we have not seen any. It may be because the crops are not all corn this year. Love the photos.


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