Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday's Tails, #5

When the weather is cold and damp (like TODAY), my milking doe, Madeline, is usually shivering so bad when I go down to milk her that it just breaks my heart! I keep asking her what she would do if we lived someplace where it really gets cold! LOL!! I thought about making her a goat coat or sweater but I figure it would just get wet and make her even colder.

Here is my solution, I let her wear my jacket while I milk; it just gets in my way anyway! ;-) She usually stops shivering when I'm about half way done with the milking.

"Thanks Maaa, I'm much warmer now!"


  1. too cute! thanks for the laugh! and she does look quite happy!

  2. TWG,
    Yep, she certainly appreciates the coat! :)

  3. I love your recipes, Candy... but this just may be my favorite post on your blog! Way too cute. :)

  4. A Goat in a Coat~
    adorable. My grand-daughter said "that's silly,Oma!"

  5. Well if your goat thinks it's cold in AZ she really would be cold where I live! But actually so far it's been really mild, I'm sure the cold and snow are right around the corner though! So nice of you give her your coat! She reminds me of the goat on the Waltons, "Murtle" was her name!

  6. So cute. She does seem to like your jacket. If you make her a jacket, use felted wool. Wool has a natural water wicking property that prevents moisture from being retained; keeps the skin dry. What a lovely face in the last picture.:)

  7. Julie,
    Awww, thanks! :)

    Corn in my Coffee-Pot,
    Your granddaughter is right! LOL!!

    SweetLand Farm,
    I was thinking of you guys up north when I told her that it isn't really cold here! ;-)

  8. Elaine,
    Thanks for the info, I'm sure the felted wool would do the trick! :)

  9. Oh, Candy! That is the cutest picture! And how sweet of you to share your jacket!

  10. What a doting goat-mother! And that picture is poster-worthy....or at least blog header worthy!!

  11. time for a thrift store trip to find her a jacket of her own, if she is not out where she can get wet take a sweatshirt and cut sleeves down for her.

  12. She is so cute. Find an old wool coat of her own...or get a dog blanket pattern and make her one.

  13. She certainly does look happy wearing the coat. Minnie Pearl, bless her heart, is a trooper in our cold weather.

  14. I like what Corn in my Coffee-pot said... "a goat in a coat!" And she wears it so well!

  15. Susan and Carolyn Renee,
    I do love my goaties! :)

    Tombstone Livestock and Sharon,
    I guess I really should get her a coat of her own!

  16. Teresa,
    Don't let that sweet face fool you, she is actually going through her cycle and has a case of PMS!! ;-)

    homegrown countrygirl,
    I like that one too!

  17. How cute! My dd wants me to start crocheting or knitting goat coats for the spring babies. I may do that after the holidays are over.

  18. aawwwhhh....what a lucky goat! She must be all tucked in tight just before you come out to milk :-)

  19. What a sweet one - I think she would be happy sitting in the house next to a fireplace. I purchase sweatshirts at the thrift store when I had milk goats or if someone is ill. You purchase them cheap and that way you can change often. Yep, she sure would have been unhappy with our -27 last week. Hugs from this Goat Mommy!

  20. Kristina,
    Sweaters for the babies are important when it's cold out! You'll have to post a finished picture!

    She really is a good girl!

  21. Grace,
    She definitely would NOT have done well with -27! Yikes!!

  22. Thanks Susan, I do love me my goaties!

  23. Michelle,
    She really is a sweet goat!

  24. Hey, you could make her a goat coat/blanket...


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