Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday's Tails, #7

Jerry and I go for a walk almost every day. We walk out in our friends' cow pasture near our house. There are 30 to 35 cows, heifers, calves and a bull in the pasture and some days we see the cows and some days not, it's a big pasture. Recently, they were right by the road AND I happened to remember to bring the camera! ;-) Here are a few pictures. I liked the "composition" of this picture with the rolling hills and snow-covered mountain in the background.

Whadda ya' think of our Arizona Longhorn cows?!? It's actually kind of hard to get a picture of this particular cow, she is pretty shy. That is her calf with her.

I didn't want to get too close or she would just walk off.

I also wanted to include this picture I took a couple of weeks ago when the fog rolled in as we were out walking.

This particular bush always looks like a stag from the top of the hill, especially in the fog! It is one of my favorite desert bushes, Larrea tridentata, more commonly called Greasewood or Creosote around here, and is the smell of the high desert after a rain! Lovely bush with waxy green leaves and pretty yellow puffball flowers after a rain and it is medicinal to boot; although hard to process.


  1. It looks like a lovely place to go for a walk. She does have some impressive horns!

  2. It DOES look like a stag! Love the pics; many happy memories of holidays in Az. I remember the creosote bushes but I love the Ocatillo's more, especially their flame red Spring blooms.

  3. I was waiting for a picture of the bull LOL! I like the composition of that picture too!

  4. SweetLand Farm,

    It is a nice place for walking, there are even some hills to make it more of a workout!

  5. BettyWestern,
    I really like the ocotillos too! They are always SOOO pretty in the spring!

    Um...I DO get a little nervous when the bull is around but he is really a pretty mellow guy!

  6. Great pics Candy. Arizona cattle look very healthy. That bush DOES look like a stag. My Grandma used to make a tea with greasewood and force us to drink it to get rid of a cough. It was horrible. I don't remember if it helped...

  7. love the terrain - perfect with cattle in it!

  8. Heidi,
    My herbal book mentions just how awful the taste of the greaswood is! No wonder you can't remember if it worked! LOL!!

    Thanks! :)

  9. I can't imagine having enough land to have cattle. What a beautiful view as well.

  10. I love all your pictures. I don't know how many times out walking that I wished I had my camera.You would think I would learn,but nooo.

  11. What a beautiful and peaceful walk you had.

  12. Kathy,
    He actually leases grazing rights from the state. There is a LOT of grazing land around here!

    Yep, fun with my new camera!

  13. Michelle,
    I actually forget my camera more often than I remember to take it! LOL!!

    It is a very nice place to walk! :)

  14. Too funny about the creasote bush--it does look like a stage. When I was a a child I had a penpal in California who decided to send me a box of home made cookies. Well, she decided to add a branch from a creosote bush to the backage as well--by the time the package got to me, the cookies all tasted the like the bush. Pretty inedible. And that is my one and only experience with creosote bushes.

  15. Kateri,
    I'll bet those cookies were HORRIBLE with the creosote taste!!


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