Monday, February 27, 2012

Starting Seeds for the Summer Garden

It is finally the end of February and I can start my seeds for the summer garden! YAY!! I have been itching to get them going but I didn't want to start them too soon (like last year) and have to transplant everything two or three times to bigger containers. I will transplant the tomatoes a couple of times though just because they seem to like it! :)

The tomato seeds are Dr. Wyche's Yellow, German Johnson (pink), Earliana (new for me), Yellow Pear and Sweet 100. The peppers are Red bell, Green bell, Jalapeno and Pepperoncini. The eggplant are both Italian heirlooms that I have grown for several years and really like, Listada de Gandia and Rosa Bianca.

Everyone is labeled and the containers are put into plastic bags and closed up.

I have this awesome, totally wonderful, south facing window that I use to start my plants! Did I mention how much I love this window?!? This will be my third year doing it this way and I have had really good luck with germination rates and growth. I have cut WAAAYY back on my summer garden this year because I intend to only grow enough produce for us. The past two years, I was growing produce to sell at the Farmer's Market. I'm linking up to The Country Garden Showcase hosted by Heidi at My Simple Country Living.


  1. you brought back some good memories today of my mom starting her plants from seed in the side freezer area. :)

  2. Well good luck! That all sounds wonderful. :)

  3. That is a great window seat. I can see why the seeds love it. It's so exciting to see everyone getting ready Candy. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I started some of mine today! I just couldn't wait any longer! Happy Gardening!

  5. I just bought some flower and herbs seeds yesterday, now if I can only find a window.... Where do you guys get your irrigation water from?

  6. You lucky girl with that south facing window! The perfect spot for starting new seedlings!

  7. I like the clear Bag idea. never think to do that to help with keeping it moist. I have started a few seeds myself.

  8. Seed starting, yeeeaaaaayyyy!!

    Started mine a few days ago...finally!

    Is there a reason you're not going to do the Farmer's Market this year?

  9. I am jealous! I am dieing to start my seeds. But it's to early.

  10. Your method looks very much like mine, Candy. I haven't started any seeds yet, but it's probably time. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  11. It's always nice to see those seedlings pop up! We've got to get to work on our garden beds and get some seeds started too.

  12. TWG,
    Glad I stirred up some nice memories for you!

    It's always so fun to see the seeds sprout! :)

    It is such a great window for seed starting!

    I think a LOT of us have been bitten by the Gardening Bug recently!

  13. nancypo,
    We have our own well for water.

    It is the perfect spot for starting seeds!

    My own version of a "seed starting tray!" LOL!!

    Carolyn Renee,
    The main reason would be time because the bread baking takes up so much of it! That is another post for here in a few days! ;-)

  14. Michelle,
    I had to *make* myself wait until now, I wanted to start them a couple of weeks ago! LOL!!

    It is getting to be that time! :)

    Gardening season is fast approaching! YAY!!

  15. I'm trying to resist that planting too early thing too. I've just started a few things so far. But it's a start!

  16. Happy Gardening!! I can't wait to start all that! Soon enough, just a little bit longer for us "Yankees"!!

  17. Teresa,
    It will be time to get out there in the garden before you know it!

    SweetLand Farm,
    Yeah, you guys up north have to wait a little while longer yet!

  18. Oh what fun!! I can start my onion seedlings next week, but I must, must, MUST NOT start tomatoes for another month. ;)

  19. Jaime,
    I know how hard it is to resist the urge to start those seeds! LOL!!

  20. Oh to have a super long growing season again. Here in Germany, our last frost date is at the end of April, so I know I have to hold myself back a bit. But I'm about to put onion starters in the ground and will be trying to grow garlic from seed for the first time. No clue how that will go at all! :)

    Good luck with the germination! And if you have a moment, I'd love to have you stop by NOH and link up on Fridays to our weekly garden linky!


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