Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Photo Honey Bee

It has been so warm here that the honey bees are out, this one was busy in the rosemary yesterday afternoon. I'm linking up with Jan at Murrieta 365 for Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday and Your Sunday Best with Nancy at A Rural Journal this week. Stop by to see all the lovely photographs!


  1. Those little guys are workaholics, starting already. And they help use so much in our gardens!

  2. Beautiful! After our cold weekend, I think I'm done complaining about our warm winter.

  3. Is that rosemary the bee is on? I love rosemary, but I have a hard time overwintering it inside. I think it just needs more pot space than I can give it. Beautiful shot.

  4. I thought it looked like rosemary as well. Lovely photo! It is always so nice to see bees at work in the garden.

  5. Clint,
    Yes they do and I encourage them to hang around with the rosemary and lavender!

    I'll take warm over cold any day! LOL!!

  6. shutterbuggbitten and Kateri,
    Yep, I was down milking the goat when I realized I had typed lavender instead of rosemary! Duh!! Good eye! :)

  7. Great photo :) I'm glad you have healthy honeybees in your area!

  8. Lisa Lynn,
    The only problem with our local honey bees is that most of them have bred with the Africanized bees and we have to be careful!

    Thanks! :)

  9. Wonderful to see them - with the ice storm last night it will be a long time before one will visit the farm. Thank you for reminding me that spring will come.

  10. Oh my! Total spring :) Enjoy your Sunday!

  11. Grace,
    You guys sure have been hit hard with the winter weather recently! Stay warm!

    It was so lovely yesterday afternoon that we were sitting out on the front porch! Happy Sunday to you too! :)

  12. we got a cold snap this weekend so all of our bees and bugs are in hiding!

  13. Keep it away from me! I'm not super allergic, but I have a bad reaction to the stings.

  14. Beautiful image Candy. Our honeybees have been hanging around my garden since early January here. It sure is strangely mild for winter. Thanks for sharing this wonderful image. I just love honeybees, bumblebees, and mason bees.

  15. Lovely image, Candy! You must be enjoying some wonderful "winter" weather!

  16. TWG,
    Smart bees and bugs! :)

    I'll keep it way down here in Arizona! ;-)

  17. Heidi,
    I love all the bees too, they are so helpful with our gardens and fruit trees!

    We have been, now it's supposed to be cooler with a chance of rain for the rest of the week. We can ALWAYS use the rain! :)

  18. looks so warm and sunny there. bees are not out here. too cold! nice pic though

  19. Have had bees early here as well. Beautiful pictures. I have awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award, I know you have already been awarded, but you are one of my favorite blogs, Thanks for inspiring,you can view my post on the award here:

  20. Fabulous macro shot, Candy! It's cold and snowy here today -- no honey bees around. :)

    Thank you for sharing at YSB.

  21. SweetLand Farm,
    It has been unseasonably warm recently but we are supposed to be cooler for this week so the bees will probably go back to hibernating.

    Thank you! :)

  22. Sheryl,
    Thank you so much! I really enjoy reading about what you guys are up to on your blog too!


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