Monday, April 16, 2012

#2 Son

Guess who has become a bottle baby? For some reason only known to a goat, Abigail quit nursing #2 Son after three days so I have become his maaa.

"Hey lady! You need to pet me and tell me how cute I am!"

"See what a big boy I am? I can climb up the steps all by myself!"

"Yeah, I know I'm just too cute for words!"


  1. well, glad he has you to adopt him. :)

  2. He really is TOO CUTE!

  3. I love that age - everything is interesting! What a cute, cute kid.

  4. How cute!
    wonder why she quit letting him nurse?
    We had a dog that happened to once, and we bottle fed that puppy. It ended up being sickly dog, with lots of problems. Sometimes the momma's know...
    hope it isn't that way with your little boy. He is so cute! and not one bit camera shy either!


  5. She must have been talking to Millie and figured gifting you with a kid was the right thing to do. :-)

  6. He is a cutie. Glad he is going to be okay. :o)

  7. Oh, so cute! I'm glad you're home to feed him.

  8. I just love goat kids...he's a cutie!

  9. He is just too cute! You know I love me some bottle babies... although sometimes they do get in the way & ya almost always trip over them. But the cuteness wins hands down :)

  10. Oh, how sweet! I am glad he is doing well with your care, and that #1 son is doing well with his Mom. He is a precious little goat! Do you plan to name them?

  11. And what a good maaaa you are! Adorable little goatie.

  12. Oh I would so love to have a lil' goat...he's too stinkin' cute for his own good!!


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