Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Upstairs Neighbors

The Curve-Billed Thrashers built their nest between the chicken wire covering the chickens' yard and the tarp we have over the chicken feeder. There used to be a cholla cactus next to one of the horse pens but it got really big and the critters kept getting thorns so Jerry took it out two years ago. The Thrashers used to build their nest in that cholla. I have no idea what prompted them to choose this spot! There are plenty of other cholla nearby! I decided to check recently to see if there was an egg in the nest.

Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher were keeping a close eye on me from the yucca next to the hen house and scolding me quite loudly!

Egg, heck! They had an almost grown chick in there! No wonder they were watching me so closely!

Linking up with Nancy and Lisa for Rural Thursday.


  1. they sure are adaptive! glad they were successful, too!

  2. Wow! That is awesome! Thanks for the pictures. :o)

  3. It must have been a pretty good place for a nest! Nice shots.

  4. Raising a family starts early in the warm parts, obviously! ;-)

  5. Well, it must be a good place since they have an almost grown baby. :-)

  6. How exciting, Candy! I'm glad they have an almost grown chick. I think a trip, by the way to the AZ Sonora Desert Museum is in order! Let me know when, and we'll meet you there! :-) There's a lot we still need to see and do around here! It's always hard to find the time to enjoy your area when you have to work so much, and now that we are retired it's nice to know we can as long as we budget things wisely.

  7. Sounds like a perfect spot to me. The nest is out of the sun,wind, and rain. Smart birds.

  8. Love it when birds nest close enough for us to follow their progress. Wonderful captures, Candy. :)

  9. Love the photos. I am watching woodpeckers that have made a nest in a backyard tree.

  10. Awesome pis! We like to watch the birds make nests and twitter around and then watch the babies learn to fly!

  11. That's very cool!!! Quite the surprise!

  12. So cool! We have a birds nest with four spotted eggs under the lid of our propane tank--haven't seen the bird yet, so I don't know what kind it is.


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