Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blueberry Scones

I'm so happy!! :) I love scones and have been working on a recipe that meets with my approval utilizing my Baking Mix. Well, here it is! It seems the secret to scones, as opposed to biscuits, is adding an egg and using heavy cream instead of milk. This gives a lighter, more tender result. Also, make sure to handle the dough gently; otherwise, the scones will be tough.

The basic recipe can be used for plain Cream Scones or you can add fruit and a Streusel Topping like I did here. Next week, I'm going to experiment with Cinnamon Nut Scones using walnuts, pecans, almonds and a little almond extract.

Cream Scones

2 cups Baking Mix
1/3 cup granulated sugar
6 tablespoons cold butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a medium bowl, stir together Baking Mix and sugar. Cut in butter until it resembles small peas. Make a well in the center. In a separate bowl, combine heavy cream, egg and vanilla; mix well. Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry and mix lightly until incorporated. Do not overmix.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead gently for 4 or 5 turns. Roll or pat dough into a circle 7 inches in diameter. Cut into 6 or 8 wedges and place on a baking sheet. Make sure to leave enough room between the scones as they will rise a bit and spread out. Brush the top of each scone with a little heavy cream.
Bake at 375 degrees for 18 to 22 minutes until golden brown.

I pressed some frozen blueberries into each scone after cutting them out and then sprinkled some Streusel Topping over them after brushing with the heavy cream.

Streusel Topping

1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons cold butter

Mix all together. Top each scone lightly with a little topping before baking. Store extra streusel in refrigerator and use up in a week.

One of the problems I have with a lot of scones out there is that they are heavy and dry. These are moist, light, not overly sweet and the Streusel Topping adds a nice little crunch. Of course, the addition of the blueberries is heavenly! I knew I had a winner when Jerry said, "Hey, these are really good!" You see, he's not a real big fan of scones. :)
I am going to start going to the St. David Farmer's Market at the beginning of June and I am going to add a couple of types of scones to my table. Linking up with Heidi and Dolly for The Country Homemaker Hop.


  1. Love scones, found a recipe on the internet several years ago, called for half cup of buttermilk, hmmmm, looking at a very dry bowl of flour I figured there was a typo in the recipe. Added another cup of buttermilk and it turned out just right. I made them with dried chopped apricots and walnuts, sprinkled raw sugar over the top, they turned out great.

  2. mmmmmmmm look good! I love scones too! I've never put a streusel topping on any of mine before...maybe I shall try it.

  3. Oooo! Scones! Haven't made those in years, going to have to try your recipe, although I may have to substitute runny yogurt for the cream. Nothing like experimenting!

  4. Don't think I've ever eaten more than one scone in my life, but you are awesome to figure this out.
    I've saved it. Thank you! :o)

  5. Your scones look so good Candy. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I've been meaning to mix up another batch of your baking mix since you shared the recipe for your green chili cheddar beer bread a few weeks ago, now I am really craving the mix. I better get the apron on and get to work.

  6. I've made cream sconess too- delish!

  7. Candy, I am going to make your scones recipe. We had a friend from Scotland that kept telling me my biscuits tasted like their scones and of course I have never had any before..gonna change that and make yours they look so delicious! Thanks for posting.

  8. Blueberry scones are my absolute favorite! It's not easy finding blueberry baked goods, at least not in our part of the country. You used to always see turnovers and now maybe must muffins. I wonder why?

  9. I've never had a scone but have wanted to make some for years now, lol. Dont know why I havent... yours look so yummy. Sure wish I had 1 or 2 to go with my coffee this morning ;)

  10. These look so good!

  11. Hi Candy, If i pop over (flight pending) could i possibly have one of these scones. They look lovely, and i know you worked hard in making them.

    Have A FAB weekend coming up.


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