Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Eating Turnips

I LOVE turnips!! I love growing them and I love eating them! :)

They are just about as easy to grow as summer squash, just plant the seeds, keep them watered and be sure to thin them out. My only problem has been ways to prepare them. We can only eat so much mashed potatoes and turnips; although, I could probably eat that every day! ;~) I also like to add them to the slow cooker with carrots and onions when making a roast and even grate them over our salads in place of radishes. I did a search for turnip recipes recently and found one for Scalloped Turnips on one of my favorite sites, Simply Recipes. This recipe is so very easy and so very, very tasty!

Scalloped Turnips

4 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup thinly sliced onions (I used leeks because I had them)
4 cups peeled, thinly sliced turnips
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3/4 cup milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 1-quart casserole dish. In a skillet, melt 1 tablespoon butter and lightly saute onions until just wilted.
Layer a third of the sliced turnips in the casserole dish; top with a third of the onions; sprinkle with 2 teaspoons of flour, 1/3 teaspoon salt and one grind of pepper; top with dollops from 1 tablespoon of the butter. Repeat this layering twice.
Mix milk and cream together and pour over the turnips. Cover and bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes then remove cover and bake for another 30 minutes. Top with cheddar cheese and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until tender and bubbly.

If you are looking for ways to eat more turnips, I highly recommend trying this recipe! :)
Linking up with Heidi for the Country Homemaker Hop.


  1. Can't say i'm much of a turnip fan. :)

  2. My mom loves turnips, but she's on her own. She's trying to convince Ella they are good but I'm not sure Ella's buy that. :)

  3. I don't know if I've ever eaten them. What do they taste like?

  4. Scalloped turnips look yummy. I could have used this recipe last spring. I grew way too many. I have printed it now so I am ready next time. Thank you Candy. Have a nice day.


  5. I'm not sure I've ever tried them, but that does look good.

  6. My honey loves turnips too.

  7. We just have to make a Blogger cookbook!

  8. I love them raw with a little salt, like giant radishes!

  9. I also love turnips :) I like the big white cape turnips in the fall and the little white harukai in the spring. Great recipe, I will have to try it out!

  10. I planted turnips for the first time this year and can't wait to try them, even though I actually planted them for the animals - they might not get any.

  11. I'm not a fan, but I do love their color!

  12. That sounds so good! I am going to have to try it. The only way I have ever fixed them is in a veggie medley I make, just cubed turnips, potatoes and squash with a little onion.

  13. Okay, I grew up eating turnips, and we never ever thought to scallop them. That sounds really good. :) My very favorite way to eat turnips is to slice the raw turnips into circles and spread with peanut butter. I even got my husband's two little grandsons hooked on turnips eaten that way.


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