Saturday, May 12, 2012


This is the third year for my strawberry plants and I'm finally getting some decent yields! It's funny, I was standing in the grocery store yesterday looking at the strawberries on sale when it dawned on me that I could pick my own from the garden! Duh!! I picked a nice bowl full this morning and there are a lot more to go. The trick is to get them before the lizards do. Anyway, I assume it's the lizards as I have the bed completely covered with bird netting and I haven't had to rescue any of the Thrashers in about a week.
I'm a day late (but not a dollar short!) in linking up with Lisa for Farm Fresh Friday, Tayet for Forever Farmgirls Friday and Heidi and Deb for Farmgirl Friday! :)


  1. Yummy!!!! They look so good. We don't have native strawberries here for a while yet. Enjoy!

  2. My mouth is watering for some fresh berries...won't be long here, but I'll be buying this year. I just put in a new patch, and am sadly picking most of the blossoms off so they will grow stronger 'til another season!

  3. Strawberries this early in the year. Mine have only started to flower.

    Im a sucker for berries. but the straw variety are my favorite.

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  4. Yeah for you Candy! Your bowl of strawberries looks delicious.

  5. I've made strawberry pies, yum!

  6. Oh gosh, girl, how can you forget you've got your own homegrown strawberries! They've got to taste heavenly.

  7. Candy, I have a Farmgirl inky too! You can find it at


  8. Beautiful berries! I had four or five berries and then the two plants I have stopped yielding. I thought maybe it was getting too hot.

  9. I love your light bulb moment at the grocery store! Of course I wouldn't be able to pick them if I knew there could be lizards lurking in the patch, eeek! Thanks for sharing with Farm Fresh Friday!!

  10. Those look yummy! I should have some before long.

  11. Oh, yum! My blooming nicely, and i think this will be a good year for berries--providing my chickens don't eat all them.

  12. Wishing I had that bowlful right here right now.. They look yummy.
    hugs, Cherry


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