Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Photo - Cactus Flower

We had just enough winter rain to produce a bumper crop of cactus flowers! :) I can't believe how many buds are on the prickly pear and cholla in our area this year! In the lower elevations, the cactus are already in full flower but we are a bit behind here. The prickly pear in our pasture just started blooming this week. It's funny how you don't really notice things right under your nose sometimes. I went out to take pictures of the flowers this morning but they weren't open yet! Duh, I never really paid attention before that they close up overnight! LOL!!

I just love the cheerful yellow color and delicate appearance of the prickly pear flowers. This particular smallish prickly pear has well over 60 buds on it. I hope to get a picture when most of the flowers are open. :)

Linking up with Madge for Weekly Top Shot, Nancy for Your Sunday Best and Jan for Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday. Check them out for some beautiful photography!


  1. so pretty! i've seen 2 open so far on our little cactus.

  2. Something about cactus is very beautiful. When they bloom it is just icing on the cake : ) Great shots!

  3. That's really pretty. We don't get those in our area.

  4. These are beautiful Candy. Obviously, we don't have cactus here, so it's a treat to see. :)

  5. They are beautiful! I don't see cacti here unless they are in a pot.

  6. Very pretty- I rarely see these flowers, so thanks for sharing!

  7. I can't say I've seen one of these flowers - very pretty.

  8. Very nice flowers. Can say that i have seen them over here in the UK.....Or maybe i have but not taken any notice of them.
    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  9. Cactus flowers are pretty. The Prickly Pear usually don't start to bloom until haying season around these parts. June/July.

  10. I love the color yellow! Great pic. Don't see any of cactus's where I'm from!

  11. Lovely! Thank you for sharing them with us. :o)

  12. Candy! Such lovely pictures! Are these the kind of cacti that produce the prickly pear fruit? (Is that the right word... is it called a "fruit?")

  13. Oh I think that is just beautiful. Nice photo.

  14. homegrown countrygirl,
    Yep, they are called fruit and I have made syrup and jelly from them in the past! :)

  15. just beautiful! isn't it funny how much more you notice when you carry your camera around?!!

  16. Oh, my goodness! Your photography is beautiful!!! Peanuts to you for sharing!

  17. Wonderful shots, Candy! Yes, we had a great day yesterday! I'm anxious to get some of the pictures posted. It was so good meeting the two of you!

  18. Love this! I'm so glad you decided to join us and share at 'Weekly Top Shot.' :-) I hope you'll come share again next week...


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