Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Tails - 5/15/2012

How about some pictures of our VERY spoiled cats for today's post?!? :)

1350 square feet and we ALL have to sit on the sofa after supper!

Bob wasn't very happy about getting his picture taken.

Ruby loves her humans and a good belly rub!

The cats have their own bedroom.

This picture was taken from outside and I thought it was cool that you could see
the Whetstone mountains reflected in the window.


  1. they have a good life! and a great view, too!

  2. They do look perfectly spoiled! Great shot of the mountains in the reflection.

  3. I love your snuggling kitties in the window! I'm a cat fan - I love how they're so independent and run on their own schedule. My husband, well, my cats drive him crazy!

  4. Too funny! That first photo looks like a mirror image! Are they brother and sister?

  5. Marigold,
    They are mother and son and it is difficult to tell them apart sometimes! :)

  6. I love that shot from outside! They are soooo pretty (handsome?) You can tell they are well-loved.

  7. Loved those last two shots best of all. Very pretty cats and yes, very spoiled looking : )

  8. Cute!!! I'm hoping I'll get a cat again, someday....

  9. Gorgeous kitties! Looks like they're living the good life.

  10. Cats do love their sunshine. :o)

  11. Bob and Ruby are living the good life!

  12. Beautiful cats! I do love that last photo with the mountains faintly reflected in the distance. (Thank you for consistantly commenting on my blog--between work and spring tasks on our land, I haven't been keeping up as much as I would like with the blogs I love--I appreciate knowing that people are still reading and commenting, even when I'm not around as much!)

  13. Ooo my goodness... they are so sweet & spoiled ;) Love it.

  14. I love your sweet cats! For some reason only about half the pictures on anyone's blogs are coming up today. I may have to turn my computer off and start over...relogging didn't help. Love the pics I can see, though! We owned cats for years, and our daughter has two cats. They are great critters!


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