Saturday, June 2, 2012

First of the Month - June

I'm joining Jan at Murrieta 365 for her First of the Month meme all this year. Here are the ground rules per her site: "The goal is to capture one thing repeatedly on the first of each month. It can be a landscape, a person, an animal, a project; whatever your focus is, is fine. It can even be a record of where you are each First of the Month."

Well, as I reported last month, I sold Abigail and her two little boys. I kept BW, the bottle baby, here until he was old enough to be weaned.

"Hi BW!!"

"Come here big guy!"

"No, I didn't bring you a bottle, I just wanted to pet you and take your picture!"

BW's new owners came and picked him up the other day. They were so impressed with how nice he looked and how much he had grown that they are considering leaving him a buck for breeding purposes.

He was such a character but, then again, most bottle babies are! :) I am going to miss him.

So, with the departure of BW, that ends the Abigail chapter. For next month, I will focus on my sweet little Daphne! She is even starting to convince Jerry that not ALL goats are full of mischief and a pain in the a**!!

Weeelll...maybe NOT!! ;-)


  1. Cute babies. You always take great pictures.

  2. I, too, have a bottle baby-Orphan Annie. And she is quite the character. As soon as she hears me or sees me, she comes running.

  3. Ah, yes, the very defination of goat is naughty. :)

    Cute little guy. I'm going today to put a deposit down on a pair of little bucks (they will be neutered) that I am going to bring home as soon as they are no longer nursing. They will be pets and brush/weedeaters. Wish I could get a milking doe, but know I don't have the time right now to properly take care of her.

  4. How pimp is that little goat with his blue link collar. Very Sweet

    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  5. I hope they keep him for breeding. He is a cutie.

  6. Too Cute. Glad you found a good home for BW, hes a pretty boy.

  7. Please forgive me for not commenting on your last two posts! Love this sweet photo of Daphne with Jerry! Couldn't check out BW's shots....but I can see more of your most recent ones! Getting a new computer!!!!!

  8. It's always so sad to see them leave the farm. Daphne does look like quite the little lady!


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