Monday, June 18, 2012

Garden Update - 06/18/2012

The only exciting thing happening around here garden-wise is the Echinacea has started blooming! :)
In the vegetable garden, everything is doing okay. The tomatoes have started blooming, the pepper plants are doing well, the bush beans are growing, the strawberries are blooming again, the pumpkin plants are growing nicely, my last surviving eggplant plant is making a recovery from being munched on, and I FINALLY got some summer squash seeds to germinate without the birds digging them up first!
Linking up with Mosaic MondayMacro Monday and The Country Garden Showcase this week.


  1. The flowers have lovely colors and shadows.

  2. Lovely mosaic! Have a great week!

  3. I'm glad to hear somebody is growing something! I can't get anything to grow this year!!

  4. The garden sounds good.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. :o)

  5. Beautiful. I've never liked pink before, but since I have been reading blogs and seeing so many pink flowers I like it now! (but still not to wear or have in my house)

  6. It's happening! Won't be long now. Love the Echinacea blooms. I wish I knew how to do more with this herb.

  7. I planted a new variety this year...we'll see how they do! Yours look great!

  8. They are so photogenic! Lovely shots.

  9. oh my - is this what an Echinacea looks like - so beautiful! amazing patterns in the centre.
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. Glad your garden is doing so well. The Echinacea is beautiful!

  11. Gorgeous flowers! I had echinacea at my last home, but haven't planted any here. Your photos are making me think about some for my bird and butterfly garden!

  12. Beautiful! Mine are starting to bloom as well.

  13. your pictures are really beautiful!

  14. So very lovely, and such useful flowers as well~

  15. I LOVE my coneflowers.....but it will be awhile before they start blooming. That's okay because they are planted between my peonies, which are just now dying out---well, the flowers are dying.

  16. Thanks for all your sweet comments about a speedy recovery, and thanks for answering my email about the bread. I HAVE to try to make it! Got the wheat germ yesterday so I can make the baking mix, by the way. I am so hit and miss with being able to see your photos, but I lucked out with Buddy's Ancestor (will comment in a moment!)....and I lucked out with these gorgeous cone flowers. I used to have them in NC and probably should plant some here, as I really enjoy them. Lovely shots!


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