Friday, July 20, 2012

A Bird On A Fence

I was sitting in the truck waiting for Jerry while he was talking with one of his buddies when I spied this pretty Pyrrhuloxia sitting on the fence rail nearby. I was pretty tickled that he sat there long enough for me to change lenses and snap a couple of pictures! :) Linking up with Friday's Fences this week and Wild Bird Wednesday.

P.S. I actually thought the bird was a female Cardinal until I looked it up on Thanks to blogging buddies like TexWisGirl, I didn't want to embarrass myself with a misidentification! LOL!! I did learn that they are in the Cardinal and Grosbeak family and are sometimes called a Desert Cardinal.


  1. That is quite an amazing bird! Lucky he sat and posed for you. I'm totally intimidated by trying to name what kind of birds I see around here.

  2. How cool! I've only ever seen one of these as a drawing in the bird book! Lucky you!

  3. I knew it wasn't a female cardinal because we have families of them here. I think they are living under by deck up in the rafters. I had no idea what else it could be though. Very pretty, never heard of this bird before!

  4. I've never seen one of those birds, but it's very pretty...or maybe I should say handsome! He must have known he was going to be the subject of your blog post!

  5. gorgeous!! you lucky duck! i took one look at it and said, 'it's one of those P birds!' (i always have to look up the name, though).

  6. Wow! The only "P" birds we have around here are pelicans...and we have to go to the coast to find those! Beautiful bird. And it was very nice of him to sit still for you!

  7. Love those colors. Sweet bird - lucky you!

  8. We've had a couple in our yard, as well...I too thought it was a female cardinal at first! Great photo!

  9. What a lovely bird - and so photogenic! Nice photograph.

  10. A desert cardinal! Neat bird, and great picture of it! :)

  11. That is just beautiful! Bird is gorgeous and the photography is outstanding. I love it!

  12. Thant picture is awesome! it belongs on a greeting card. It is so great the bird sat there while you got your camera ready.

  13. What a lucky capture...he is a handsome fellow!

  14. that is one patient bird, and you are one lucky lady. An excellent post, thanks for sharing Candy
    July Giveaway @ ValleysShutterBug

  15. It does look like a cardinal. Neat photo.

  16. Great photo! I've never seen one in person, so it's great to live vicariously through your lens :)

  17. Wow I have never seen such a beautiful bird. That Tex is a very smart lady:) B

  18. It's gorgeous! What a treat to see it! :)

  19. Pretty bird, Candy! I like the contrast between the blue sky/ tree texture and red bird with soft looking feathers. Eye appealing!

    Neat picture of the Mack Truck also. What a vibrant green.

  20. I just learned about this very bird myself about a month ago. I was surprised to learn it's name and not surprised to learn it belongs to the cardinal family. I have yet to see any around here, but hope to some day. Even the cardinals are scarce right now.

  21. Gorgeous bird! It does look very much like a cardinal. I like how there's just a patch of red around the bill and eyes.

  22. Great looking bird - I like that crazy crest!

    Stewart M – Melbourne

    PS: sorry about the lack of thumbnails this week – will get it right for WBW #3

  23. A real beauty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  24. Great capture of this beautiful bird!

  25. don´t think I ever seen this bird. It looks a bit like a parrot. :) Thanks for sharing. :)


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