Monday, July 2, 2012

First Of The Month - July

I'm joining Jan at Murrieta 365 for her First of the Month meme all this year. Here are the ground rules per her site: "The goal is to capture one thing repeatedly on the first of each month. It can be a landscape, a person, an animal, a project; whatever your focus is, is fine. It can even be a record of where you are each First of the Month."

Little Daphne is sure growing, I had to add a link to her collar the other day. I'm really pleased that the two older girls are accepting her...well...pretty much! LOL!! Goats can be "cliquish" but they are good with her.

It is actually pretty difficult to take pictures of a goat that always wants to be standing next to you so that she can get petted.

We have had to take measures to keep Daphne out of the hay. She will soon be too big to get under the gate, we hope! ;-)

Yes, sweetheart, this is to keep you OUT!!

Yikes! Here she comes again!!

Daphne is just the sweetest, friendliest little goat I have ever had. We had our annual Fourth of July BBQ yesterday and whenever anyone went down to the pasture to see the critters, Daphne would come running to greet them and get petted! :)

That's it for this month. Say goodbye Daphne!


  1. Know the feeling of keeping critters in the area they suppose to be in....We had to sure up fencing with the new lambs. The goats are too cute. Have a good week candy.....

  2. They look so sweet. We had goats when I was little and we sure did love them. You all make me want goats, and bees, and your blog Candy.

  3. Too cute...that last shot especially!

  4. She's a doll, Candy. What a sweetie!

  5. Daphne is absolutely adorable!

    Once again Blogger has not been sending me your posts...just realized I hadn't seen any for a while. I'll keep checking until Blogger gets it's act together again. Grr...

  6. Oh cuteness!!!! Yup, that's all. Just cuteness.
    Happy Fourth!!!

  7. OH!!! I want a DAPHNE! TOO SWEET! From one sweetie to another....Roxie

  8. Are those Alpines? Oh, no. No one is safe. It all belongs to the Alpines. Trust me. This is the voice of experience speaking. :)

  9. Daphne is so sweet & pretty :)

  10. Daphne is lovely! I love seeing her at the beginning of each month. Glad the bar-b-que was a success. I bet everyone enjoyed it! I'm trying to think of something I could post the beginning of every month...I'll keep giving it some thought.

  11. She is adorable! They are so creative in finding ways to get that hay!


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