Monday, July 16, 2012

Garden Update - July 16, 2012

My garden seems to be slow to get going this year. Everything is doing well but I seem to be about a month behind where I was this time last year. I really hope I get a good harvest from my little garden and have enough tomatoes and green beans to freeze and can some for the winter. Now that our summer rains have started, it should really take off! :)
Linking up with The Country Garden Showcase, Mosaic Monday and Macro Monday.


  1. Glad to hear your rains have started! Your pictures are beautiful. Here's to a good harvest!

  2. nice mosaic. hope it grows for you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Those blossoms all look so beautiful!

  5. Pretty blooms so far. We're almost a month ahead this year than others. Go figure.

  6. Glad to hear someone is getting rain. Your garden looks great.
    Have a blessed week. ♥

  7. It's hard to be patient, waiting for those blossoms to turn into fruit/veggies, isn't it?! I'm glad you've got some rain to get them going!

  8. Nice pictures. Go garden, Go! :)

  9. I keep watering and we're a good month behind, ah well...

  10. My tomatoes were going great until I found big fat horn worms on them last night. One plant is about gone. I sprayed and dusted -- still have some. Dang!

  11. Oh you do have a lovely garden. I am sad I did not plant one this year I am sure I will live to regret that. We have no rain so it is probably for the best. Beautiful pics. B

  12. Happy gardening! Enjoy what you do have!

    Thanks for sharing :)

  13. When your garden goes from flowers to fruit, it sure happens fast! Glad you're getting rain. Ours is sporadic and not very effective. Some judicious watering has kept things going, though. Lovely photographs, as usual :o)

  14. It is always a hit or miss with mother nature. Our season started out early and we thought it was going to be the best garden year, but now we are rain deprived and everything is heat exhausted...
    Enjoy your crop as best as you can!

  15. Hope ya get a good harvest too...

  16. Pretty, pretty! Mine seems a month behind, too - what's up with that, I wonder? Flowers are a very good sign, though :) I finally spied my raspberries blooming - I swear I was picking fruit this time last year.

  17. I am hoping for tomatoes too. Not because I planted late. The deer eat every one I had. Hopefully I will get more and they have time to ripen.

  18. Mine has been slow to start too. Too much rain, then not enough! Gotta water it. It still is looking good and the weeds are always growing, but we feed them to the pigs!!
    I love the pics! Hope your garden takes off with the rain!

  19. Lovely photographs! I too am seeing very slow growth on so many of my plants! I just lament not having a good juicy home-grown tomato yet! Everything except my squash has just been dragging along. But, like you said, with the monsoons now, maybe that will change.

  20. Lovely Photos! :) Hope it takes off for you ( the growth ! : )


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