Monday, August 6, 2012

Garden Update - August 06, 2012

The garden is starting to produce nicely! :) I have been harvesting bush beans, jalapeno, pepperoncini and bell peppers, scalloped squash and Ronde de Nice French heirloom zucchini, cherry and yellow pear tomatoes, and strawberries. The cantaloupe are growing nicely and one of the Kakai pumpkins has started to turn. The only fruit I am going to get from the trees this year is Kieffer pears and they are doing well too. The big tomatoes are all still green but I noticed one starting to blush today! YAY!! I'm still hoping for enough tomatoes to can and make into tomato sauce this year. So far, it looks as though that will happen.
Linking up with The Country Garden Showcase and Mosaic Monday.


  1. looks like a great bounty! nice!

  2. Gosh, it all looks SO nice, and I have to say that your photography continues to impress me! Good luck with the tomatoes...I hope you get enough!

  3. I'm curious what you do with all your you dry them? Can them? I planted some hot peppers this year to use in my salsa, but they're already turning red, and I don't have enough tomatoes yet to make my salsa!

  4. And I spy a pumpkin! Fall is coming! Yay!

  5. Wow, what a wonderful variety of the bounty from your garden!

  6. I agree. Congratulations on a wonderful harvest! :o)

  7. Everything looks wonderful! I am so jealous. My green beans are beautiful plants, have blossoms, and not a single bean. I think it's just our horrid weather.

  8. It's so wonderful to have fresh produce straight from our gardens isn't it! have a wonderful week.
    linking up to you through Mosaic Monday.

  9. I love the collage. How did you do that?

  10. Oh Candy, your bounty looks so good. Glad you are having a good year. We lost all but two of our zucchini to squash bugs. Hard as I try, they got ahead of me this year.

  11. My tomatoes are just coming too. Lots of work coming up :-)

  12. Yea, for you Candy! Neat garden mosaic.

    I see I have a tomato or two in the blush stage.

  13. Looking great! I'm so looking forward to my pumpkins turning orange :) Enjoy!

  14. The thrill (and exhaustion to follow) of harvesting is coming! My tomatoes aren't red (except Early Girl) either, but showing promise. We aren't having any tree fruit this year either, except MAYBE one or two apples; oh well. Enjoy your garden blessings!

  15. Nothing tastes any better than veggies and fruits home grown...this is the time of year, that I wish I had more sunshine and less shade~

  16. Your produce looks so good. This has been a bumper year in the garden for most crops for us. :)


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