Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Ravens

I have been having better luck getting pictures of the Ravens lately. I caught these guys as we were coming back from our morning walk recently. We have an adult pair that live here year round and we have had four juveniles hanging out this summer. I'm pretty sure these four are the juveniles as the older birds are quite a bit larger.

I have been wondering if all four of the young ones belong to the same parents. According to Whatbird and All About Birds, these are Chihuahuan Ravens and they lay between one and eight eggs per clutch so I guess they probably are.

It gets pretty loud around here when they are all sitting on the stock panel "talking" at the same time in their raucous voices! ;-)

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Friday's Fences.


  1. that is so cool! you have ravens like we have crows. i'd love to see a raven in person. :)

  2. Wouldn't you like to know what they are saying???

  3. just like Rose ... i'm curious as to what they are speaking about? makes me laugh just thinking about it. ha. ha!! they way the laugh is wandering through my mind now too. (:

  4. According to research covered by channel 8, they are VERY intelligent birds! Maybe they're talking about you great people around there who will make life safer and better...they're that smart! :D

  5. WOW, they're huge! They do appear to be in conversation with one another!

  6. Wonderful picture!

    I've lots of crows here at the farm and they are (like your ravens) amazingly (and sometimes naughtily) intelligent, lol


  7. We have crows, but not ravens. The ravens I saw out west in Canada are much larger than our crows. Neat photo--interesting that they have such a wide variance in the number of eggs each clutch has.

  8. Don't you just wonder what they are "yakking" about!? Great photo of this bunch perched on the fence!

  9. Nobody said it yet! I can't believe it.

    I know what they are saying . . . "Nevermore"

  10. It looks like they are all having a good ol' conversation going. Neat photo.

  11. Wonder what they are plotting!!! Maybe going to raid a robins nest or something!!! They are nasty! Great shot!!!

  12. Maybe they're talking about Hitchcock? :)

  13. I'm still laughing at Nancy's clever comment. Great photograph, I can well imagine the noise they make.

  14. I love the 2nd one from the right, he seems to be telling the other 2 to shut up :)
    fantastic shot

  15. It does look like they are sitting there having a lively conversation! Great shot.

  16. Great shot I see their lips/beaks moving and wonder what they are saying:) B

  17. Splendid pictures - I like ravens and crows a lot, they are so intelligent.

    Nice picture.

    Stewart M - Australia

  18. Splendid pictures - I like ravens and crows a lot, they are so intelligent.

    Nice picture.

    Stewart M - Australia


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