Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Toned Down Windmill

I took this picture on one of our morning walks recently. The buildings off in the distance are part of the Old Mescal movie set.
Linking up with Tones On Tuesday and Wordless Wednesday.


  1. candy, i like this very much! what a great feel you've given this scene!

  2. This is a lovely scene - really does look like a movie set! Thanks for linking up to WWA this week!

  3. I love movies and western movies [I lived at one time near the movie set of Old Tucson Studios]...this walk would be something I'd really like to see. Listening to the creaking of the windmill and trying to hear the ghosts of movies past.

  4. Simply marvelous image Candy. It looks like you sepia toned it a bit. I absolutely love it and my hubby is going to go crazy over the old Aermotor, atleast that's what I think it looks like...

  5. oh what a cool shot... great texture choice & i always like seeing windmills, esp w/ mountains in the background =)

  6. For sure we know we're in the great wide open west in this photo. Love the one note tones you achieved with these edits.

  7. Your a great photographer . I love seeing your photos

  8. I find it so interesting how different the scenery many different places to see on so many different blogs! Thanks for showing us your corner! :)

  9. That's definitely a "wild west" photo. Very nice.

  10. That is a beautiful shot! I love the old feel the editing has given it.

  11. I find windmills fun to photograph. It's hard to beat a good windmill picture. I like the edit you did on this one, Candy.

  12. Gorgeous picture! It's a better shot but reminds me so much of a photo I took when we lived in Texas the second time (we've lived in Texas three different times!) :-) when we were stationed in Lubbock. I took a black & white shot of a windmill in the middle of a field, and even enlarged it. It isn't great quality, but it represented that time in our lives so much to us.

  13. I can see Mark McCain out there lookin' for 'Pa'. :) Great shot!

  14. Very peaceful scene...I really do believe your photography is improving--that is one nice thing about blogging--we get to hone our skills with the camera.

  15. I love the lone feel of this photo and the vintage feel of the processing. Thank you for sharing and for linking up with Tones on Tuesday, I hope you will link up again this week!


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