Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Chickens

Enjoying half of the very, Very, VERY large zucchini that the neighbors gifted us! :)
Linking with Wordless Wednesday.


  1. I hope they said thank you! :)
    I like being able to give my chickens table scraps, and veggies, etc. It sure helps to cut down on the feed bill and makes them happy at the same time!

  2. OOOOoooo they look happy! And that is large.

  3. Mine love getting their snacks too! I am doing more of the feeding lately and now they think I'm the bringer of treats! Poor things are disappointed sometimes. It looks like your chicks think you're the best ever.

  4. I have a chicken that looks like your Ameraucana's identical twin!

  5. I love to watch a chicken feeding frenzy. They get so excited and make all sorts of happy sounds. That is a big zucchini.

  6. They share so nicely. Not a single one standing on it. Wonderful layers those Buffs : )

  7. What a polite group of chicks! Sharing so nicely...thanks for linking up to WW this week! You are always welcome!

  8. I want a zucchini! Waaaah! How come we never get zucchini? Oh, I forgot. It's because we get Peanuts instead. :)

  9. Yum Yum... I have some zucchini I need to give my chickens


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