Monday, October 22, 2012

Mustache Monday - 10/22/2012

Do you ever have days when you just can't figure out what to blog about? I know I sure do!

While visiting Pricilla at The Maaaaa of Pricilla today, I discovered just the bit of fun I needed!

Lin at Duck and Wheel with String has started a new linky party, Mustache Monday! What a hoot! Stop by Lin's blog to see who else has suddenly grown a 'stache!! :)


  1. well, at least i got to see your photo, today. couldn't load ms. pricilla's this morning. :)

    thought it should be goatee day...

  2. I LOVE that photo! It has made my day!

  3. Such a cute idea! And yes, I definitely struggle for posts sometimes! I go through phases where I have lots of ideas, then I'm totally dry.

    You found a good way to break the writer's block :)

  4. That is way too funny. your a mad one !!!!

  5. chance to not groom myself! Lin is one whacky gal!

  6. Love the photo it made me smile.
    I have never had that my mind is full of darn I say crap:) B

  7. Thanks for playing along Lazy J Bar C Farm! Like you, I'm totally in a blogging slump today and this struck me as funny. There is just something funny about 'staches on everyone!

  8. My, what a handsome goat!

    This is fun, isn't it?
    Nice to meet you!

  9. How fun! I do think I'll stick with my beard, however.

  10. Haha - too funny! I've nominated you for a Liebster award so here's more to blog about! Check it out -

  11. That darned goat is just cute, no matter what!


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