Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Photo - 11/25/2012

We got a new horse last week so that Paco would have some company. Her name is Mysti and she is kind of a flea-bit gray, kind of a dapple gray, kind of a paint...

Shoot, she's just purty!! :) That isn't dirt, honest, just her paint "spots" showing through.
Jerry has been working with her and riding her almost every day and he really likes her. She is really sweet and her and Paco are getting along famously!
I call her my little freckle faced girl.

Linking up with Weekly Top Shot.


  1. oh, i do like her dappled haunches! pretty girl!

  2. That is a lovely Mare. Shes gonna get spoiled rotten !!!

  3. She is really pretty. I love that first shot. B

  4. Woo Hoo! She IS purty!!!! She's almost as purty as a goat. :) Love that first picture of the 'photographer' in the eye. Kind of makes me think of 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' :)

  5. She's pretty! I'm sure you'll both have fun with her.

  6. Oh my, she's LOVELY!! I look forward to hearing some stories about this girl. :)

  7. What a pretty girl! Give her a carrott for me!

  8. Congratulations. She is very pretty. :o)

  9. She's a sweet looking girl... love her grey freckles! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #58!

  10. Such a pretty girl! I imagine Paco is as smitten as I am. :)

  11. I love the picture of your horses eye!

  12. I bet Paco is happy to have such a sweet corral-mate!

  13. What a cutie! I love that first shot. Stunning!

  14. A beautiful horse... Paco should be very happy!!

  15. Oh she is a beauty. Love her freckles. Hope to see lots more of her :)

  16. Oh, I LOVE your sweet new horse, Candy! I am so glad you got her. Russell and I were just talking about wishing we had a bigger place with a couple of horses. :-) I mean, I'm not sure that's a great idea for us, or anything, but it's always nice to dream....:-) We'll just come visit your horses! :-)


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