Thursday, November 15, 2012

Super Simple Cottage Cheese

I love cottage cheese! It is one of my favorite lunches, whether with whole-berry cranberry sauce (homemade of course!), pineapple or a beautiful home-grown tomato. By the way, this tomato is from my friend's garden...bartering milk for vegetables is good! ;)
I used to buy a lot of cottage cheese before I got my dairy goats and even afterwards for awhile because all the cottage cheese recipes I tried never turned out all that great and, honestly, they were kind of a pain in the, well you know, to make!! It bothered me though to have to buy a dairy product that I ought to be able to make myself so I pretty much quit buying cottage cheese, that and the fact that I didn't like some of the "stuff" that was in most of the commercial cottage cheese.
Then, awhile back, I had one of those ah-ha moments while making a batch of Queso Blanco. After draining the whey from the curds and before putting it in the cheese press, I thought to myself "Self, this sure looks like cottage cheese to me!" So, I made sure it was drained really well, added a little salt, broke the curds up pretty finely and stirred in some heavy cream. Voila, cottage cheese! It is a little different than commercial cottage cheese but it tastes pretty good to us. :)
Now, I'm sure some of my fellow cheese-making blogging friends have been doing this for years but I thought I would share anyway, just in case there is anyone else out there who hasn't yet had the light bulb go off.
Sharing with The Country Homemaker Hop, Rural ThursdayFarmgirl Friday and the Farm Girl Blog Fest.


  1. One of my favorites... and yes, it is hard to find really good cottage cheese. Your photo with the blue dish certainly makes it look "fancy".

  2. I love cottage cheese also, and don't have it as often as I would like..after my mozzarella making fiasco...I've hung up my cheese making thermometer...I'll buy it from the store, way less stressful....yours look delish

  3. Well, I for one LOVE cottage cheese. I eat it with tomatoes and toast for breakfast. I also have some goat's milk waiting for me in the freezer that I intended to make cheese with this winter. Can you believe I have been milking goats for over 10 years and never made cheese!? Soap yes, cheese no. That is going to change!

  4. I seriously need to get a milk goat. It looks wonderful!

  5. i like cottage cheese too, with tomatoes, or pineapple, or peaches...those are my favorite ways!

  6. I have to confess that cottage cheese is one of the foods I do not like! But I do like how you discovered you could make it! That's awesome :)

  7. Thanks for the shortcut! I never make cottage cheese because it's a pain in the you-know-what. Now I have no excuse!

  8. I think Lisa should get a milk goat too:)
    Great job I don't have a goat either. Looks good my Mom loves cottage cheese. B

  9. Candy, thank you very much for following Carole's Chatter. I hope you have a fantastic week.

  10. I've noticed some of the cottage cheese I buy today, even the brand I always get, tastes a little "off". It's not expired or even near the date either. I'd love to have a supply of goat milk to make cheeses with. At least you know what is really in it! Good job.

  11. Congratulations!
    You're lucky to be able to make that for yourself. :o)

  12. I've never made Queso Blanco, but that sure looks good!

  13. I started making ricotta with our goat's milk, but not cottage cheese. Do you need a press to make it? It will have to be something i make in the future. We don't have enough in the freezer for this.

  14. I love cottage cheese with peaches. I HAVE to try your Queso Blanco and the resulting homemade cottage cheese!

  15. OK, what is rennet? And do you ever sell your goat milk? :-)

  16. Mmmm, I'll bet it is SO good!


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