Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Barn Makeover

We enclosed the rest of the barn this past Sunday. It is something we have talked about for a couple of years and finally got around to doing. Most of the barns in this part of the country are made of metal because of the terrible termite problems.

Here, in this picture from last summer, you can see how it was open by the stalls.

The enclosed area in the picture on the left is the tack room. When we ordered the "barn" (actually a carport!), we had that part enclosed.

There is also a roll-up door to access the tack room. This is looking east.

Here are the before and after shots of the horses' stalls looking west. They now have shelter on the sides to help cut down on the wind and rain.

This is looking straight into the new and improved barn from Mysti's stall, Paco's stall is on the right. We also enclosed the far end past the breezeway to keep the hay out of the weather.

When it's colder out, Jerry puts Buddy's blanket up on the hay for his bed. If he doesn't, Buddy kind of tears up the hay making a "nest" to sleep in. ;)
Enclosing the sides created a whole new feel to the barn and we are really tickled with how it turned out! Now if we only had electricity down there...
Linking up with Barn Charm this week.


  1. Seeing these pictures make me realize just how cold it is here, it is below zero!

  2. that's awesome! you'll enjoy it and so will your animals. i love buddy's crossed legs. so demure.

  3. nice! How lovely to have it finished, and everyone will enjoy it! :) Looks great...and no termites!!

  4. This is nice- I wish so badly we had one of these! Once we are in a position to sell our place ( hopefully enough to get something for cash so it may be a long time!) we are seriously thinking about a Morton building home. You can make them super nice inside and really dress up the outside. They are just as strong as a house too, in fact maybe stronger because they are commercial grade. So, that being said, metal barns are good for me!

  5. Ditto TWG's comment .. love Buddy's crossed legs. Have 2 of those carports for the goats, and one that can be vehicle storage, shearing shed, hay barn, etc. sure are handy and hold up well.

  6. That's really nice! I'm sure the extra protection from the weather will be appreciated by "everybody".

  7. New and improved is just right. I like what you did. MB

  8. What wonderful improvements! It is so important to have a good barn for the animal and food storage.

  9. Oh, that's a WIN for everyone. Well....maybe not the termites. :)

  10. That is a cool way to make a barn. Looks very easy to maintain. Love your little chicken coop.

  11. I'm glad that you came up with a way to keep the horses warm. I really like your blog.


  12. How neat! It looks great and bet it comes in handy to have extra shelter!

  13. Congratulations - it looks fantastic! Love seeing the before and after pics. I can't believe I never thought of using one of those carports as a barn. Great idea! :)

  14. Looks great! I would have never thought of enclosing a car port for a barn. Great idea.

  15. Buddy is a handsome fella, 1st of all, love the crossed paws/legs! The place looks great & I love the horses! Horses are always an added bonus for Barn Charm

    Thank you bunches for joining =)

  16. Good on you for getting that sorted. I wish i was that proactive

  17. i love the last shot best. the little doggies crossed legs are priceless!! had issues with the link up last night.... sorry to be late on commenting here. ( :

  18. That's great... it looks very nice!

  19. Will you be able to use the enclosed building in the summer? I would think it would be terribly hot in there and then you will wish for the more open style? Then you will make the walls into huge doors so you can open and close them according to the temp!

  20. It's just wonderful, Candy! A lot of hard work, I am sure, but it sure looks worth it! I know you are really happy to have this for your horses and goats and to store the hay in. The dog apparently loves it too. :-)Did you do all the work by yourselves? That's really impressive!

    Yes, we have been thrilled with all this warmer weather! Rain headed in this weekend, and some cooler, but thankfully not another freeze! :-)

  21. It looks great. You did a awesome job.

  22. Nice looking barn. I would have not known it was one of those carports if you had not mentioned it.

  23. We have a long shed like that but it's currently open (two carports put together the long way.) We just store the car and lawn tractors under it right now. Love the way yours turned out. :)

  24. LOL...and after electricity will come blah, blah, blah...always something!!!

    That turned out really nice. It should be cooler in the summer too I would think. Do you need to put up anything to line the inside in case they kick the wall?

  25. NoDak Herefords,
    With the wide open east end and the breezeway, it will stay surprisingly cool in the summer. :)

    The stock panels are right up against the inside walls and they don't seem inclined to kick, at least yet! LOL!!

  26. I really love it. Great idea


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