Monday, January 14, 2013

It's Purty Cold... in Beautiful Southeastern Arizona! This is the hose down at the barn yesterday morning. It was 16 degrees Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Today, it was all the way up to 20! Woo-Hoo!! It's supposed to be that cold again tonight. The highs have been staying in the 30s. I know, I know, some of ya'll are having HIGHS of 16 but we just don't usually have this kind of cold for this prolonged of a period. The cold weather makes Jerry very cranky. ;)

We went to see the movie Lincoln on Friday. It was pretty good and Daniel Day-Lewis did an outstanding job. Sally Field was also good, as was David Strathairn. I can see why it got so many Academy Award nominations. We thought it was a little long though...

It was stinkin' cold at the Farmer's Market in Bisbee this past Saturday. We were doing all right with the cold until the wind picked up. Everyone ended up closing down about an hour early. At least it wasn't snowing! LOL!! Considering the weather, I did okay with my sales, about half of what I normally do.

I'm behind on my blog reading and commenting. We were gone pretty much all day Friday and Saturday and the internet was down most of the day Sunday. I'm going to work on getting caught up with everyone today. :)

This is my P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday offering for this week. I like how it turned out.


  1. Photo of my husband's worse nightmare, nevertheless, this is a great photo! Enjoy your day!

  2. That's the worse thing about cold weather - having to deal with water outside! And there is nothing much fun about standing around outside with a cold wind blowing up your coat!

  3. Even my SIL in Yuma says it is cold there too. Nights have been in the low 20's this week, wind machines have been going all night in the orange groves, they are picking 7 days a week, with semi trucks coming in and out day and night trying to save the oranges. Take care, stay warm ... I am off to break ice in water tubs again this morning.

  4. It's been very cold, here in SoCal, too. Mid 20's overnight is extreme for us sissies.

  5. I hate chipping ice out of water buckets.....and had to get at least an inch wacked out of them this morning. HatehateHATE this cold weather! Neat picture though.

  6. yeah, we're not built for that kind of cold anymore. :)

  7. Very cold here too! We saw Lincoln on Friday also : )

  8. We got cold here in California too. Our pipes in the kitchen froze. My husband was so worried that the pipes might of cracked. We got lucky , they didn't. 15 degree weather is rare for us.

  9. Cold makes me not want to do anything!
    Stay warm!

  10. oh gosh, that IS cold! we've been having such pretty weather but a cold snap is on its way...just hoping it doesn't get THAT cold!

  11. I heard there was a cold snap going through that area and there was great concern for the crops and such. I hope it warm back up there.
    But I must say it sounds like the weather we get up here! But this past week we've had nice balmy weather, like 50 today and sunny! I wore a tshirt cleaning the barn! Compared to the low 20s and teens we had a week or so ago, but it's coming back to cold soon!

  12. That is cold! Brrr! Your photograph makes me shiver. We've been pretty chilly the past couple days, with the highs in the low 30s. You're even colder than we are in MO!

  13. Uh oh...hope your hose didn't burst! I'm not a cold weather fan either, and it's so much worse when the wind blows! Hope it warms up for you soon!

  14. I wouldn't think it would be that cold down there. I want to go to Bisbee once in my lifetime. I'm a JA Jance fan and want to explore Cochise County. :-)

  15. Bitter cold here too- low of 5 today and 17 high, I think. Snowed a little...

  16. It finally got cold here...down into the 20's today. snow. :( I'm waiting, patiently.

  17. Sorry you're having such a cold spell. At least you got a pretty neat picture from it!

  18. I am soooo grateful that I have an office job. Like everything else it seems like parking lot lights fail on the coldest days. The poor contractors come in looking like Randy for The Christmas story. They have not only been outside, but in a bucket 25 feet in the air. BRRR

  19. Oh...we do hate to see that but that is an AWESOME shot!

    Stay warm and creative! ;)

    Behind in blogs? I know the feeling! ;)

    The Goat Borrower

  20. Cold here too- and my brother in law, in Florida, was complaining that he just MIGHT have to put on his windbreaker! Poor guy. I slept in thermal underwear! Stay warm-

  21. We are definitely feeling the cold -- has been in the teens at night and not much better during the day.

    I hope that hose wasn't hooked up to anything -- burst pipes are no fun!

  22. I guess cold is kind of relative--I've been thankful for temps that are in the 20's because that is a bit warmer than it usually is this time of year in my part of the world. :)

  23. Unexpected freezes are NOT a good thing! We expect them, but that doesn't mean we have to like them. It was 8 degrees at 6 this morning and is only 9 degrees two hours later. I think we might reach 30 today, but who knows? I'm driving to my home county to take my elderly mother on a drive....and I'm taking my camera as I always do. It's really winter there!

  24.'s been COLD!!!! Thankfully its getting warmer now!


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