Monday, January 28, 2013

The Cats

Ruby is my very own "pillow pet!" She usually sleeps behind this pillow so I was happy to get this picture. :)

Her son, Bob, LOVES it when we have a fire, he has got to be the most cold blooded cat ever! See how his right ear is turned around listening to me? ;)

We also have a barn cat, I actually saw it for REAL the other afternoon lying on the pallets watching us while we were feeding. We aren't even sure if it is a male or a female but since it has been coming up on the front porch recently "talking" to Ruby and Bob (at 3 AM!!), I'm starting to think heat! If so, we should be seeing more barn cats shortly! I keep hoping to get pictures of her, she's a pretty orange tabby.


  1. oh, i miss my barn kitty! i've seen 2 mice in the last month. i need a few new barn kitties (that can withstand my varmint-hunting canine pack!)

  2. I like your white kitties! What a pretty combination the white would make with an orange tabby! :)

  3. Aw, what a cutie! I added the pancake recipe to the blogpost for ya. Enjoy.

  4. Awww, so cute! Hope you have more barn cats soon! I love orange tabby cats :)

  5. Your cats know how to get rid of the winter doldrums, hang out by the fire or crash on a soft, comfy pillow. Hope you catch a pic of the barn kitty one of these days.

  6. Oh wow that is a stunning fire you have burning away there. The kitties are real pretty too

  7. Awwwww....seeing these make me miss my furkids. Having been gone most of the last 3 months, I treasure the time I get to spend with my girls (and the dog, too)on the few days I am home.

  8. The orange tabbies always talk a lot! We had one years ago and it would talk, talk, talk. What pretty white cats you have too! Yes, the fire was always a winner with ours too!

  9. I think orange tabbies are typically male. There is something about the coloring, just like calicos are typically female.

    He/she may see your kitties through the window and they are all posturing, thus all the singing.

    Sounds like fun at that early hour....NOT! :)

  10. Beautiful cats. They are creatures of habit for sure. I have had two cats in my life time, they both love to sit on the heating vents.

  11. I love a nice warm fire...looks like Bob has the best seat in the house!

    cute kitties, Pat

  12. Awww they are so cute. Barn cats are always interesting characters. B

  13. One of our cats loves the heat like that, too!
    Love your cats. :o)

  14. Ruby looks like my cat fluffy. I have a in door, out door cat. She comes and goes as she pleases thru the doggie door. She does bring us little gifts.

  15. They do look awfully content!

  16. Such beautiful white cats, Candy! They do look very they are obviously well-loved and cared for.

  17. Who doesn't love a warm fire?

  18. Love your cats! They look so cozy and happy inside!

    How neat that Jerry used to play on the ruins at Fort Lowell! That was fun to learn.

  19. Sadly we can't have a barn kitty because of the coyotes. The Goatmother and Goatfather used to have a kitty that was so cold natured she would try to actually sit IN the fireplace. :)

  20. They're not spoiled are they? ;~)


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