Friday, March 8, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 03/08/2013

1.  I like when Jerry buys me flowers to photograph. They had a bunch of 10 daffodils on sale for $1.99 at Safeway the other day. :)

2.  We are expecting a winter storm this afternoon and tomorrow.'s a winter storm for this area but nothing like what ya'll get back east!!

3.  Because of the forecast for cold, wind, rain and snow, I've decided not to go to the Farmer's Market tomorrow.

4.  I feel guilty when I don't go to the Farmer's Market, it's like calling in sick to work since this is my "job" and I feel like I'm letting my customers down.

5.  But, since I'm not going to the Farmer's Market tomorrow, I'll be meeting Marie in Tucson for lunch and some girl time. There, now I feel better! ;)

Joining Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. Beautiful Flowers!!!
    Thank You Very Much for sharing.

  2. oh, lucky you and marie!!! (if i were one of your customers, i'd be pouting for lack of fresh bread!)

  3. I love daffodils! That is awfully sweet of him to buy them for you. :-) Don't feel guilty about not going to the market. Just enjoy your "snow day."

  4. Hello Candy! I am loving your daffies. I think I need to send CH, the Husband over here to read your bread making tips! I would love to be meeting a gal pal in Tucson for lunch.. :)

  5. So pretty and makes it feel like spring! Girl time always makes one feel better!

  6. Your flower is so pretty.. Have fun at lunch with your girlfriend. I would have done the same.


  7. Marie is such an awesome lady -- how neat you two are getting together!

    Thanks so much for joining in Candy! xo

  8. I know how you feel. When our starts in the summer I hate to miss one but sometimes you just need a day off

  9. Well, as long as you are there most days, then I don't think it is a problem. If you miss here and there, the customers will just wait for next week. But if you do it too often, they will get frustrated and not look for you anymore. You have to strike a good balance.

    Enjoy your time off! (I love spring flowers too!)

  10. I don't know why daffodils make me smile but they always do.

  11. Oh you have a sweet husband. I look forward to seeing your snow pics:)
    The farmers market will miss your bread Tex is right but there will always be next weekend.
    Glad you are getting together with Marie. Not sure who that is I am sorry but I will in a minute:) Hug B

  12. Oh Now I know Marie yeah she is awesome I am sure you will have a lot of interesting girl talk give her a hug for me.B

  13. What beautiful flowers! I would have grabbed up a lot of them at that price. Hope you have fun meeting Marie! :)

  14. If the Pres ever brought me fresh flowers, something would be wrong! He only spends his $$ on plants!!!...:)JP

  15. Oooo! Lunch out with a friend beats going to the Farmer's Market any day. Girlie time :)

  16. Beautiful daffodils! Yellow and sunny like summer. I have a huge smile on my face.. and thanks for sharing!

  17. I love flowers too. They make my house a home most days.

  18. Ahhh...daffodils are my favorite spring flower! The first of the new life to slowly creep into the landscape and brighten the days.

  19. I was about to say 'blow harder'...that you weren't getting that warm weather up here to make our daffodils do that. Until I read that they weren't actually from your ground and you were getting snow. Oy. Our daffodils have the blossoms ready, but they aren't quite there yet. Could we actually be ahead of you? Impossible! Or maybe not with the weather like it is these days. Have fun on your day out!

  20. For a moment there I was seriously jealous, then I read that your husband bought the daffodils for you. So pretty and makes me wish spring would hurry up and get here!

  21. Thank you for sharing the lovely flowers - I am just through another blizzard so Spring seem very far away. Your flowers remind me that the seasons do change.

  22. Absolutely nothing says Spring like daffodils! I don't blame you for skipping the market. And I bet a lot of customers made the same decision! Girl time is very, very important... :)

  23. Awesome Five Facts Friday! Love the photo, and how sweet of Jerry to buy you flowers to photograph! We had fun Saturday...I'm sure most people there close to you stayed in, since you guys always get the worst of the weather that heads our way....they'll be back at the Farmer's Market with a vengeance this Saturday in the 88 degree temps, for sure! :-)


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