Friday, March 15, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 03/15/2013

1.  I used to live in a gated townhouse community in a suburb of Los Angeles.

2.   I had a real good job as a first-line Manufacturing Engineering manager for a defense industry contractor.

3.  I had my nails done every two weeks.

4. I drove a little, red, two-seater MR2 sports car which I LOVED!

5.  I could never give up my life here on our little four-acre farm with it's views of the mountains, or the horses, goats, chickens, dog, cats and garden to go back to city living. :)

Linking up with Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. Your "former" life reminds me alot of mine, Candy. Big house in the burbs, big paycheck... but I could not live there now or go back to that life. Aren't we two lucky gals? xo

  2. I am with you on all points, Candy. My little MR2 was black... :)

  3. Heh - hubby had a neon blue MR2. Bought it when they first came out.

    I was a VP in a bank - suits, heels, etc. I drove a 5L Mustang though....stick of course!

  4. Good girl! Because I wouldn't go back to my former world (and self) EITHER!...:)JP

  5. Oh I do not believe any of that you are too country:) OH Well you finally made it to where you belonged. Car sounds good though:) B

  6. Beautiful place ... I can see why you feel this way ... thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  7. That view is amazing, and can't say I blame you for not wanting to leave it. The city life is a totally different life I have never known. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Isn't it amazing how far we can come? Before meeting Colin and moving out here I was on my way to becoming a Compliance Officer for a stock brokerage in Toronto. I worked for an ogre. I was on the GO Train for hours everyday.

    Now I have a 5 second commute (downstairs) and the best boss ever (Colin and Ella). I wouldn't change this life for all the money in the world.

  9. It sure sounds like you have lived two totally different lives! I can't imagine the first one. :) I'd go crazy!

  10. I wouldn't want to leave a view like that either. And your farm sounds wonderful--I'd love to be surrounded by the animlas like that! I'm in a good place in my life, too, and wouldn't want to go back to the more hectic life.

    I found you through Random 5 Friday, and I'm a new follower. :-)

  11. Hurray for YOU!!! Finding a Life that's a Great Fit. May we all learn to do the same.
    love & love,

  12. Oh I love this! I never had much in the city, but I am so much happier in the country.

  13. Candy, I never would have guessed. Such changes in your life. I may live on a farm...but, I adore my little Audi TT 2 seater convertible.

  14. I hope to live just like that when we retire. City living has its perks, but I'm growing weary of neighbors and taxes.

  15. I couldn't live in a city again. It just doesn't fit. I love living in the Tehachapi mountains.

  16. I began my early teen years knee deep in much at the local horse rental barn, wore flannel shirts and was always stinky.

    Life took a turn for *done* nails, high heeled shoes, matching ruffle tops and big hair with LOTS of hairspray at the ready.

    I don't remember being any happier than I am now....smelling a little of cow poo.......... ;)

    love you-
    The Goat Borrower

  17. I can totally relate! We lived in Washington, D.C. before we moved to our little patch. It becomes part of your heart.

  18. This was great. Love finding out more about you. Interesting : )

  19. I find I am much less driven to have all the newest toys, tech, bigger house, etc. than most. I like it that way...

  20. I really appreciate what you are saying about your beautiful environment

  21. That's quite the change in your lifestyle! I think you've made the right choice. Anytime you have goats, it's good!

  22. I just love your five things! You had a very different life back then! :-) I know what you mean about not wanting to ever go back to city life! I live "too close" in as it is. :-) Maybe one day we can move further out. At least Tucson isn't L.A.! :-)

    Loved your photo, too.

  23. Wow, you went from one extreme to the other. The country life seems like it would be my first choice but...


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