Friday, July 26, 2013

Random 5 Friday - 07/26/2013

1.  I won this lovely apron from my blogging buddy Michelle recently. I wore it for our Fourth of July cookout and have been wearing it quite a bit since. Isn't it cute?!? I like the little bees. Thanks Michelle!! :)

2.  I have decided I need a personalized ball cap that says "Candace Jean - The Cookie Queen." Whadda ya' think?

3.  We made a 3-hour round trip to Naco, Mexico yesterday so that I could get a couple of broken teeth pulled. One of them suddenly started hurting Wednesday morning (abscess) so I finally overcame my 'chicken-ness' about dentists and agreed to go. They did a great job and only charged a fraction of the price that our local dentist charges!

4.  One of my pet peeves about dentists around here is that they want to sell you lots of other stuff before they will take care of the problem. Stuff like X-rays, cleaning, etc., and then they don't want to just pull the silly thing, they want to 'save' it with root canals and/or fillings. Yep, I have been to see them. We don't have dental insurance and, honestly, we just can't afford all that stuff.

5.  So, now, I look like a typical resident of Cochise County, Arizona in that I have missing teeth. (sigh) Seeing as how I didn't have my first cavity until I was 18, this is kind of a bummer for me but, luckily, they were both far enough back in my mouth that you can't see the gaps when I smile! ;)

Joining Nancy for Random 5 Friday.


  1. well, glad you had them taken care of. :) i do like your apron and the bees.

  2. oh that is an adorable apron, lucky you and i love your idea for your ball cap! my grandparents used to go to mexico for the dentistry (we're from san diego so it was an easy drive lol)...we don't have dental insurance either. i've never found it very helpful, it saves some, but really not much. i found a great dentist here though that we know through baseball and he doesn't try to upsell you at all. i went in to have a cavity filled and they did take an xray of it to see how bad it was. i also have a tooth in the back that needs a possible crown that he didn't even mention to me. i was happy about that. i know i need something done with it and i appreciated the fact that he just talked to me about our kids and stuff rather than trying to sell me more stuff. i also just paid out of pocket for my filling. really need to get the guts to go get that other matter handled though ;)

  3. I'm with you. i think it's wise to avoid dentists - (I could tell you a couple of stories . . but . . there's no need, you know better.)
    Me. I'm glad you're okay.
    A Cookie Queen Cap would be swell.

    Yep - that is one cute apron. Made better by your enthusiasm.
    Happy Friday to YOU!!!

  4. YES to the ball cap.
    OUCH for the dental work.

  5. I hear you on the dentists. I've had some bad experiences. But I'm lucky now to have a good, understanding dentist, and I do have dental insurance. But if there's a problem like a cavity, the insurance doesn't cover everything, and it can get really expensive. I hope you're feeling better now. I have a missing tooth on my lower left side--it hasn't given me any problems.

    That's a cool apron! And I like your idea for the cap. Those cookies look so good in the photo--I wish I could just reach through the computer screen and get one! :-)

  6. Oh I love this apron and yes indeed that wold be a great saying to stitch on an apron:)
    Sorry about the teeth we live a long way from Mexico and our dentist is expensive too we also do not have insurance. I do hope it helps I have a gap at the back too. Have a happy day at the market this weekend:) hug. B

  7. Yep, dentists are pretty pricey up here too. I don't like that they have 2 prices lists (insurance or not). No wonder we can't afford insurance.

    If you do want a cap, I know the perfect place:

    That's where I get all our printing done. Colin's farm shirts, caps, calendars for grandparents, business cards, etc.

  8. The apron is adorable. I'll bet you'd sell a bunch more cookies with such a hat. Why not an apron too?

  9. I think there are still some dentists chairs that exist with my claw marks in the arms. LOL. Yes we all have our stories to tell about dentists. My BIL and SIL live in Yuma in the winter, they to to Mexico for all their dental work.

  10. We got lucky with our dentist, he is very reasonable. The apron turned out great.I so glad you liked it.

  11. Hope you are feeling better now that your teeth are not bothering you, Candy.

    Cool apron! I like the little bees too.

    I hope you take it easy this weekend.

  12. I love that apron! I was looking for one that had stars and stripes on it for the 4th. Couldn't find one as cute as that! Hope your tooth pain is relieved! UGH I hate dentists!

  13. What a nice festive apron...lucky you! As for the dentist...we don't have dental insurance either, and it's crazy expensive! Glad you got it taken care of.

  14. I love the apron! It's wonderful!

    And yes, i'm totally with you in the dentist department. I don't like them at all. I'm glad you had your troubles taken care of though. Tooth pain is truly hideous. Those really expensive dentists can take their idiotically expensive root canals and such, and stick 'em where the sun don't shine!

  15. Adorable apron! No dental insurance here either. Dental care gets put on the back burner to often..

  16. That is a darling apron and the cap sounds perfect.

    I hear you about "pricey" dental work. My hubby has insurance through his work so I'm lucky in that respect although I do think they tend to want just what you said things like root canals and crowns rather then opting to pull the teeth.

  17. Oh great apron! Glad you found a good solution for the teeth.

  18. Yes to the ball cap. You are right about dentists here. I was at the dentist and saw a man in pain, and they refused to pull it. He left swearing.

  19. Dentists are like that here too. I have some root canals and crowns but not the far back ones, either the top or bottom is missing depending on the side. I won't pay for those implants either, not way back there. So far it hasn't slowed down my eating so I guess I'm not suffering! LOL Congrats on the apron! Cookies look great.

  20. LOVE the apron! As for of my mother's goals in life (at 93) is to die with all her teeth. So far, she's doing it, although there have been some "iffy" situations.

  21. That apron is pretty but my eye is on the cookies. Looking pretty yummy, there.

  22. Cute apron! I'd get a cap too! I always shop around to for health care. My only concern for you, with back teeth missing, is that it would weaken other back teeth, with the gaps? Probably ok...

  23. Glad the tooth was taken care of. I love that apron!

  24. I've had some pulled in the back of my mouth too -- and some up front. The front ones have been capped. :)

    Love the apron Candy! xo

  25. so brave to go to the dentist - I haven't been for a couple of years now - I agree that they are way too expensive! And you always wonder whether you really need stuff done...

  26. Oh do NOT get me started on Dentists! Let's just say I second what you said. Still - I would not be brave enough to go to one in Mexico.

  27. Cute apron! The dentist is the last doctor I want to see too. Ours is a nice man/woman team, and no pressure for extra work to be done, but I still don't like going!

  28. Love the apron! And I think the ballcap with Candace Jean the Cookie Queen would be wonderful!

    About the dentist...I may have to talk to you about that. We don't have any dental insurance either and I've had a broken tooth for about three years! But I am terrified of going to Mexico! :-) Maybe you can ease my mind and give me some good advice.


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