Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday's Tails - 09/17/2013

I love watching the hawks soaring overhead. :)
I believe this is a Swainson's Hawk, also called a Locust Hawk or Grasshopper Hawk. This morning, one was swooping down to the ground behind the house, probably after the hordes of grasshoppers we have this year. Unfortunately, I couldn't get to the camera quick enough for a close-up picture.

I took these yesterday as the hawk was riding the thermals. We used to see mostly Red-Tailed Hawks around here but the Swainson's Hawks seem to be taking over. What types of hawks do you have where you live?


  1. we have mostly red-shouldered but this year i've seen a red-tailed for a change!

  2. I do like watching the hawks around here as well. Honestly, I don't know much about them so I couldn't tell you what type they are haha!

  3. A Swainson's hawk was spotted in a county south of me - but our usual suspects are red-tailed, Cooper's, sharp skinned, red-shouldered, and broad-winged. With the occasional peregrine and kestrel. I love them all - as long as they keep their distance from my poultry!

  4. Great shots and what a beautiful bird. We have a bald and a golden eagle staying at the farm now and I can't begin to count the different hawks. I know they're keeping my chickens in hiding nowadays.

  5. How pretty! We have a few hawks gliding over the farm, but I think they are red-tailed. I am so glad these birds have made such a great come back!

  6. Red tailed and Coopers I have to pay more attention we may have some of those here too. Great shots. Hug B

  7. Red tailed here mostly, but I've never gotten a good shot.

  8. I know we have red tailed hawks here and there are others but I don't know what type. I know they like to sit in the tree above the coop. We also have HUGE turkey buzzards and at dark, when they roost in the trees it's a eerie site.

  9. I love watching them soar too.. we do also have the Red-Tailed Hawks (lots of them) and Bald Eagles. When I was a girl we had no eagles, but they have begun to repopulate our lowlands around Puget Sound...

  10. I think Hawks are gorgeous. But don't want them around here. They would love to get one of my kittens. We have a big barn owl here that has been watching the place.

  11. I love hawks, one day while coming back from the sea, we saw 34, sitting on the roadsides, on the power wires, flying, hunting is was the best day for ever for sighting Hawks. Your photos are super.

  12. Great captures! I love watching them soar across the sky!


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