Monday, September 9, 2013

We are starting to develop webbed feet...

...because of all the rain we have been getting! Quack-quack.

It has been raining almost constantly here at the Lazy J Bar C for three days now. The forecast is for rain pretty much all day today and tomorrow too. This is the remnants of a tropical storm off the Baja California peninsula from the end of last week. Living in the desert, we always welcome any rain we can get but Jerry and poor Red Dog are starting to get cabin fever. ;)

I sure wish I could send some of this rain to my blogging friends in the central U.S. and central California where they are experiencing drought conditions...


  1. me too, enjoy the rain, hope it is not making it humid for you.

  2. It seems that everyone is getting too much of whatever weather they have - too much dry, too much wet. Is this the new normal?? And I LOVE that Red Dog is part of your family...

  3. We've been having a bit more than usual for this time of year too.

    The desert is always so beautiful after a rain....

  4. Rain is good. After a wet beginning, we have had a very dry second half of summer here in New England. When it rained for Labor Day weekend it may have dampened a few picnics, but it was a very welcome relief. I know that we are usually blessed with more rain than other places and always wish we could share with those who need.

  5. Sorry you are getting all that rain. We got a drizzle here today, and it is hot, hot, hot.

  6. Hope you get all the rain you need and not too much.
    I know what you mean about the Midwest. I say a little prayer for them every day.

  7. Ahh. Candy I'm enjoying all this moisture since we have been frying all the rest of the year :) It looks like Mother Nature is making up for 20 years of drought. Stay out of the mud LOL :)

  8. I sure wish you could send some of that rain too! We are hot and dry!

  9. My sister in Mesa is getting it too. Enjoy while you can. :)

  10. Just think how fast you'll be able to swim now!

  11. Quack quack back atcha - hope your survive the cabin fever. We've had some good rain and now we are back to sunshine in the Pacific Northwest.

  12. We got 1.75" Saturday night and a sprinkle again Sunday night. We heard a report of 7-10" in the southwest corner on North Dakota.

    We are glad for the cool down.

  13. Wish you could too. I would so love some rain.Yosemite Park is still on fire.

  14. Red Dog should just pull Jerry out in all that wetness ;-) I know though too much of even a good thing is too much.

  15. Just bottle it all up and ship it to Robertsville MO! After nearly flooding in the spring we hit drought. It finally rained a little bit Sunday morning but not nearly enough.

  16. I would gladly take that rain! We've actually got a couple of chances for rain in the next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


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