Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday's Tails - 10/29/2013

Well, Red Dog is a Kelpie after all and they were bred to be sheep dogs but I don't know why he had to steal my Serta Counting Sheep from off the bed!

He seems to be a bit of a klepto. So far, he pilfered my sheep, he came home with somedog's bone, he procured a little stuffed animal dog somewhere and brought it home ("But, Mom, he followed me home, can't I keep him? Please, please!"), and last night, he wanted to bring in a dead bird that more than likely belonged to the barn kitties...I drew the line at that one!! ;)


  1. Awwww...so cute, even if he is a klepto. LOL.

  2. That's so sweet! He's not stealing...he's "borrowing."

  3. such a sweet photo - I don't know much about Kelpies - I DO know border collies - and, collecting and caring for things just comes natural . . .

    dead birds??? Aren't YOU the lucky one . . (grin)

    Thank you for your kindness . . .

  4. This is too cute! Just so he doesn't do like our neighbor's dog, and steal someone's undergarments from their wash line! :)

  5. Oh nice to see you back. Red Dog will come in very handy if you really think about it:) I am kidding but maybe you can teach him to fetch the mail the laundry off the line etc etc the possibilties are endless:) Hug B

  6. I love him. He obviously needs to come and live with our sheep. ;)

  7. Klepto Kelpie. Better keep a close eye on him. Love his color!

  8. Haha, Red Dog is so cute and funny. This cracks me up. My Duchess (great pyr/sheepdog mix) is kind of the same way with stealing things!

  9. Welcome back to blog land you were missed!!!

  10. So sweet. I once had a dog that was a horrible thief. He even stole my mom's purse from her car once.


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