Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pink Sock Monkey

I made a pink sock monkey for granddaughter JayCee yesterday. My plan is to send it to her for Valentine's Day.

Jerry says the monkey is kind of "creepy" looking and he hopes it doesn't scare her! Ya' know, I think he may be right! ;)


  1. I think it's really cute! I've always loved sock monkeys and this one is perfect for Valentine's Day!

  2. Oh that is awesome she is going to love it....I love it now I want to make one too. Awesome. Hug B

  3. Oh this is awesome my first attempt at commenting disappeared and I forget what I said but I remember awesome and she will love it and now I want to make one. Hug B

  4. Well my Granddaughter Coleen finds Sock Monkey's to be scary, she does not like them at all but a lot of people and kids do. I like that it's Pink!

  5. Well, I am one of those "sock monkeys freak me out".....but the pink one is a little less freaky :)

  6. It is a tad scary...but I'm not a sock monkey gal, except for the dogs to play with!...:)JP

  7. The sock monkey is perfect in every way. No creepiness at all. xox

  8. I love it, and I'm sure your granddaughter will, too.

  9. Love, love it! You will have a to take a picture of her with it!

  10. My daughter loves sock monkeys. She thought your was really cute.

  11. I wanted to add...you should check out The Fraker Farm on my sidebar. Paula has a really cute sock monkey picture on her sidebar and I think you would really enjoy her blog if you've never checked it out before.

  12. I've never seen a pink one before -- It's cute. :)

  13. oh i think he's cute, i love sock monkeys!

  14. Looks great. This must be from a kit? I have never seen pink socks like this in the store. You did a good job.

  15. Michaele, the company that makes the Original Rockford Red Heel socks, Fox River, now makes them in pink and blue too. I bought the socks at a quilt show and the directions for making the sock monkey is included on the package. :)

  16. This is so cute! My kids would love this, I bet she will too!

  17. All sock monkeys are creepy, but yours is an adorable pink. :-)

  18. I think your pink monkey is pretty darn cute! What is it with sock monkeys though . . . my daughter (now 42) was always scared of them. Every now and then I show her a picture of one that I think is cute, but she just shudders and turns away!


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