Friday, February 14, 2014

Random 5 Friday - 2/14/2014

1.  I finished the chicken applique quilt top this week. Now, I'm all caught up with the Quilt-A-Long and looking forward to the next step! :)

2.  Jerry has been a member of the Tombstone Art Association for about a year now. His watercolor paintings and colored pencil drawings have been doing very well at the Art Gallery, he sells two to four pieces each month! The Tombstone Art Association is having their annual juried art show next month. I decided to enter some of my photography. I also joined the Art Association so that I can offer my photos for sale at the Gallery.

3. My goat, Daphne, is definitely bred so we will be having baby goats on the ground in June. They are always so cute!

4.  The mare, Missy, got out of the pasture yesterday while Jerry was gone riding his gelding, Paco. He had looped the chain over the gate but hadn't latched it. We think the dog got the gate open trying to squeeze through. Anyway, when Jerry got back, Missy was out in the front yard! He thought (ha-ha) that she would just follow him and Paco back into the pasture but noooo. She ended up across the road at the neighbors' place so Jerry latched their gate and then we proceeded to try and catch her. Every time Jerry would get within 10 feet of her she would take off. By the way, the neighbors have eight acres. They also have a very nice roping arena and they have a couple of their horses 'stabled' in it. After about an hour, Missy went down the alley that is used to bring the steers up to the chute. When she finally realized there was nowhere to go, she stood quietly and let Jerry put the halter on her.

5. Today, when I got back from town, I went out to hang the sheets and there was a smell kind of like a skunk but not really. I checked Red Dog and he was okay, so I brought him in the house with me. Within half an hour, he wanted to go back out (just like having a 4-year-old!). When I went to let him back in, he had gotten into whatever that awful smell was! Blech! There were several javelina in the back yard a week or so ago drinking out of the dog dish so I looked up javelina smell on the internet and lo and behold, another name for them is "skunk pig!" A couple of months ago he got into what we thought was skunk but now I think it was javelina. Here is some info I found: And that smell! Strolling through the Arizona high desert, you'll often smell a Javelina before you see one. They have a gland at the base of their tails that they use to mark trees, rocks and even each other with a sharp, musky scent something like that of a skunk, though just a touch less eye-watering. I tell ya' there's never a dull moment around here! ;)

I hope you all have a very happy Valentine's Day!! :)

Linking up with Nancy for Random 5 Friday


  1. I love the quilt and the colors you picked. I hear ya on never having a dull moment. Wow, I hope the smell goes away for you.

  2. oh, wow! had no idea on the javelina! and so glad we don't have them here, too! :)

    stinkin' mare!!! :)

    congratulations to jerry on the art sales! that is absolutely AWESOME!

  3. I love the quilt. It's so happy!

    It's remarkable how many things smell like skunk!

  4. i am so loving that quilt. that is a great design. i think it would go perfectly with my room decor. wink. wink. ha. ha!! happy <3 day!! ( :

  5. I never knew what a Javeline was unless you throw it I had to look it up, we don't have them in Canada they would probably freeze:)
    Good for you and Jerry with the TAA that is wonderful your photos will sell.
    Yeah Daphane, bad Missy:)
    Oh your quilt is awesome. Hug B

  6. Never heard of such a thing can keep them there though!...:)JP

  7. That is a beautiful quilt top! I hope I am around when you get it quilted. Do you plan to hand quilt or machine quilt it?

  8. Loved the horse story, and I learned something new about javelinas! Interesting! (I've never had the chance to see OR smell one.) :)

  9. Gosh, you all do have alot goin' on! Neat about Jerry's artwork and your photography at the gallery. Laughed at your horse story -- silly mare! :)

  10. Congratulations to you and your hubby on the art. My grandmother's name was Daphne.

  11. Your art studio must be in a wonderful location. Ours...not so much. The sales sound great. Congrats! The quilt looks wonderful.

  12. Your quilt top is cute. Horses and animals never go back where they belong you know that. lol

  13. Way to go on your quilt, it's really pretty and I just think the colors are so cheery.
    I would be nervous to enter an Art Show, I don't know if anyone would even like my photos much less buy one. I hope you do well.
    So glad you got the horse back in, animals are so funny.
    Now I have no clue what a Javelina is (going to look that up) but if they smell like a skunk I don't think I want to meet one any time soon.

  14. What a beautiful quilt! I have been trying to learn to quilt....we shall see. You give me inspiration when I see things like this.

  15. Bright and pretty quilt top ! :)

    I just finished a top and started hand quilting this past week :)

  16. Oh, that Missy wanted an adventure AND the assurance of a safe home . . . she's smart.

    People are going to LOVE your photos.

  17. I LOVE your "randoms" Candy! Wonderful to see the quilt pieced, great news about your hubby's art work, cute thoughts about cute goats, humorous to think about the mare, and fascinating to read about javelina characteristics!

  18. Those critters seem to just be amused by us trying to catch them. Silly mare. Glad to hear you're having kids. That's always fun!

  19. Great Random 5 Candy! First of all, the quilt top look great! So sunny! And, I'm excited you will be getting baby kids! What fun! That Missy getting out...I can just imagine the difficulties there. When an animal decides it wants to roam and not be caught, it can be such a trial! :-) LOVE that Jerry does so well with the Tombstone Art Association, and that you will be offering some of your photos as well. You do great with your photography, and I love Jerry's work.

    Sat 22nd still looking good...looking forward to it so much!

  20. I can't wait to see Daphne's babies! So excited! Your quilt turned out so well. It's just lovely!

  21. So sweet! I love the way you stitched the chickens onto each block. Sounds like your every day adventures are full of farming moments.

  22. oh i love your quilt and congrats to jerry selling so much of his art! that is frustrating trying to catch missy and i didn't know that about grandpa used to hunt them, i wonder if he knew the term.

  23. You mentioned that javelina before...can't you get rid of it/them?...:)JP


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