Saturday, April 18, 2015


This young strawberry roan mare was at a ranch rodeo Jerry and I attended in Sonoita last fall. She is intently watching the other horses in the arena.

Linking up with Weekly Top Shot and Saturday's Critters.


  1. She's just beautiful! So glad you are back with Saturday's Critters. I didn't have a critter for this week, but will next week.

  2. Pretty horse and closeup! Great photo! Thanks for linking up and sharing your post, have a happy weekend!

  3. Beautiful horse and creative shot!

    Happy Weekend,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. Horses are such wonderful creatures with great features to photograph. I love the eye.

  5. What a beautiful shot! Lovely, lovely horse.

  6. Candy,
    I love to take eye pictures too. The eye of an animal can say a lot.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon and glad to see some blog posts from you.


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