Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday's Hunt 1/22/2016

For this week's Friday's Hunt with Teresa at Eden Hills the prompts are starts with D, Beautiful, and Week's Favorite.

My starts with D is our old Donkey, Chuy. We figure Chuy is 35 or 40 years old. We had him for about five years and then gave him to a family with small children for about five years but then they got transferred to Texas and couldn't take him with them so...he is back living with us. He is a sweetie pie but he is so old now that when he starts to bray he farts and farts and farts!! LOL!! It cracks me up every single time! ;)

For Beautiful I'm sharing one of my favorite shots from the archives. I really enjoy playing with the textures and creating photo art and need to do more of it.

For Week's Favorite I'm sharing this candid photo of my horse, Buster. I was trying to take some pictures of him the other day and he started shying at the flash so I just started snapping shots to try to get him used to it. I rather like how this one turned out! :)


  1. I had no idea donkeys lived that long! Wow! I like Buster's expression, too!

  2. I just laughed out loud at the donky farts. Lucky guy that he got to come back home to you. I do like that shot of Buster too. Sometimes those whatever shots end up being the best. You certainly do need to do more photo art. You are amazing at it! Thanks so much for linking up.

  3. I just love all your photo's....the donkey made me laugh but I would still have one here if he did the same!

  4. Chuy is a handsome, old donkey - a wonderful D. Ah yes, tulips! They are so beautiful! I guess Buster must have finally gotten used to the flash. This is a cute photo of him.

  5. Oh my goodness. I love, love, love Chuy. So sad they couldn't take him. But soooo good for you. We had donkeys for years. But we had to give them away to another family because we couldn't afford land anymore. This photo makes me smile and makes me sad at the same time.
    Your Blessed. You Blessed me today.

  6. Chuy and Buster are both handsome fellows. Your white tulips are lovely. It has been a while since I have played with textures-right now I am playing with mosaics, kaleidoscopes, pinch and whirl and stuff like that . I am sure I will get back to textures soon.

  7. Chuy is living a nice old age. I think that is about how old my Minnie (horse) lived I think. I rode her to high school for my first two years.

  8. that is wonderful that Chuy is still alive even through he is farting! That did make me laugh Love your hirse as well. Until next week, hav a good one.

  9. Haha Braying and Farting what a charecter. And I like the one of Buster too :)

  10. Cool photos! Donkey Chuey farts sounds like a great song in the making. lol.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  11. Love the sweet donkey! I didn't know they had such a long life span. Your tulip art is beautiful. I do like that shot of your horse, too. Best photography advice I ever got--Just keep clicking.

  12. Aw, I love Chuy! It's nice that you took him back and give him a nice home in his old age.

  13. Chuy sure is in great shape for his age - shows all the love and care he gets from you. Great photos, Candy!


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