Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday's Hunt 1/8/2016

 This week's prompts for Friday's Hunt with Teresa at Eden Hills are Starts with B, Outside, and Week's Favorite.

For Starts with B, I'm sharing our Big dog Buddy. He is a sweetheart and helps keep the critters down by the barn safe at night.

It has NOT been a very pleasant week to be Outside here in Beautiful Southeastern Arizona! This is a shot from Thursday afternoon. We have had cold, wet, windy weather all week. Not what we are used to. We can always use the moisture though. :)  I'm also sharing this shot with TexWisGirl's Good Fences.

For Week's Favorite, I have been working on more western themed photos to display in the Tombstone Art Gallery. I rather like this "still life" of Jerry's boots and hat. As you can tell by looking at them, he ain't no Drugstore Cowboy, he uses his gear! LOL!!


  1. Love the pictures. The boots and Hat made me smile, My father is never with out both. Any time we see some one in a cowboy hat my kids think its Grandpa.

  2. Thanks so much for joining me! I love the real cowboy attire. What a sweet Buddy you have. Love those crossed paws. I can't believe the crazy weather. We went from 34 and rain today to a high of 12 for this coming Sunday.

  3. I think that wintery weather came through here on its way to you!

  4. Buddy is a darling!
    Have a great week-end!

  5. very fancy boots and I love Buddy. It sure looks cold there. Have a lovley weekend.

  6. Buddy crossing those cute!...:)JP

  7. Buddy is adorable!
    Great photos from the prompts. :)

  8. Buddy can come live at my house any day. What a sweetie!

  9. Buddy looks like a sweetheart! Love his crossed paws! The snow sure is pretty, but I'd be happy if we don't get much this winter!

  10. You look almost like we do with that snow. I'm sure his boots are like mine - I'm on my third set of soles. Gotta love a good pair of cowboy boots!

  11. Brr snow! but I love the boot and hat shot thats an awesome one!

  12. Great shots, and great to see you blogging again!!!

  13. I am definitely surprised to see snow in Arizona, it's been crazy weather and where I am in Ontario we usually have lots but hardly any yet.
    Your western still life is awesome!

  14. We are getting snow and rain here in California. But believe me I am not complaining. We need this drought to end so badly.


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