Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jalapeno Cheddar Artisan Bread

Over the years, this Jalapeno Cheddar bread has been one of the more popular items I sell at the Farmer's Market. It looks nice and the addition of the cornmeal gives the bread a little more body. I also make this same recipe and replace the jalapenos with roasted green chiles for a milder version.

Jalapeno Cheddar Bread          **Click here to print this recipe**

1 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 of a 4-ounce can chopped jalapenos
1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
3 cups bread flour
1 cup cornmeal
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons instant yeast OR 1 packet active dry yeast (If using active dry yeast, dissolve it in the warm milk before combining with the remaining ingredients.)

Mix, knead and let your dough rise until doubled using your favorite method; bread machine, manual or stand mixer. Divide dough into two equal pieces and shape into round loaves. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and slash an "X" into the top of each loaf. Put a little extra jalapenos and grated cheese on top.

Let rise until nearly doubled. Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown and done.

I hope you get a chance to try this recipe, let me know how it comes out if you do!


  1. the bread looks good (sans jalapenos for me) but the idea of turning on an oven to bake anything sounds horrendous right now! :) (not that i bake in cooler weather either!)

  2. texwisgirl,

    No jalapenos! Must be your Wisconsin side coming out! LOL!! I actually do my baking early in the morning during the summer.

  3. This sounds yummy! Jalepenoes & all!!!!! Going to try this one!!

  4. i SHARED THIS ON MY blog-I hope you don't mind-it just sounds yummy!

  5. Hi Karla! Thanks for stopping by! I don't mind sharing at all! :)

  6. Hey Candy, this bread looks beautiful. We are not really into jalapenos do you think it would turn out ok without this ingredient? Can't wait to get some grain milled and try this recipe this weekend.

  7. Lynnie,

    It should turn out okay but you may need to add more milk to make up for the lack of liquid from the canned jalapenos. Let me know if you try it! :)

  8. I have it rising now, will let you know how it turns out. Thanks for the recipe.

  9. Thanks Penny, looking forward to hearing how you like it! :)

  10. I have popped over from Jo's junction and I like the look of this bread. Hi from me here in New Zealand!:-)

  11. Hi Leeanne! Thanks for stopping by all the way from New Zealand! :)

  12. I just made this after finding the recipe on Pinterest and it is amazing! My husband LOVES jalapenos and this was a BIG hit! Thanks for sharing! :)

  13. Holly,
    I'm so glad ya'll liked the bread! I made it myself earlier this week, one round loaf of bread and six rolls! :)

  14. Cool guide. Thanks for sharing a very detailed steps,it's so nice blog post

  15. This bread is delicious and so easy. It is a staple around our home - especially with the fresh jalapenos coming out of our garden. Thanks for providing such a great use for them!

  16. I'm going to make this!!! It sounds awesome!!! I have a garden in the summer and was wonder what your suggestion would be for subbing fresh jalapenos or home canned jalapenos for the 4 oz can?

  17. Hi Winter!
    Just use about 1/2 cup of chopped jalapenos. I would probably use the home canned, that way you get the liquid and they are "cooked." I hope you give the recipe a try! :)

  18. Hello and thank you for posting this recipe! Unfortunately the dough was very dry for me so I proceeded to add more milk and butter. Of course I did not really know how much to add and added too much milk and had to add just a little more bread flour after that. However, the bread came out okay, but the flavor was AMAZING! Needless to say I will definitely try this recipe again because I cannot get over how flavorful it was. I will try half the cornmeal first and then add until I get a good dough consistency. I'm not sure if it had to do with the dryness in the air/lack of humidity (this happens to me with cake decorating) that the dough was too dry, but I will try my best to keep close to your recipe next time until I get the measurements exact for my bread maker as well. Thanks again for posting, Despite the hiccups I truly enjoyed making your recipe!

  19. Hi Caroline,
    I'm glad you got it to work! There are so many variables when making bread including how you measure your flour and, of course, the humidity in your area. Keep tweaking the measurements until it works for "you!" I also did a post on 11/28/2012 on Bread Making Tips addressing some of these issues! :)

  20. Thanks Candy!
    I will make sure to take a look at your tips. I will try again this weekend and see how it goes =)

  21. Candy. Can this bread be baked a common loaf pan? I'm not much of a bread baker. How long does it usually take to double in size?

  22. carlenloy,
    Yes, it can be baked in a regular loaf pan. By using bread machine yeast, it rises pretty quickly. The second rise usually only takes about 15-20 minutes. Be sure to check the bread making tips I posted on 11/28/2012. It will give you some additional tips on how your dough should look and feel for your humidity, etc.
    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  23. This is definitely up my alley! Jalapenos? Yes please!

  24. Hi - I hope this isn't too old a post to generate a response. I'm also a "Farmer's Market" bread baker, though on a very small scale. I hesitated at the recipe skipping the usual "first rise", so it is in that stage now. I hope it turns out! Is just kneading, then shaping into the final two loaves the way you do this? Thanks.


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