Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Farmgirl Milk Bath

Here's a different recipe for a change...milk bath! The weather is getting to be colder and drier and we could all use a little pampering bath that also helps soothe and soften our skin. Don't forget to light a candle, put on your favorite CD and shut the door! ;-)

2 cups powdered milk
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup finely ground oatmeal
1/2 cup organic lavender flowers
12 drops lavender essential oil

Mix all together in a bowl. You could also make this with organic rose petals and rose essential oil.

I usually put 1/2 cup of the milk bath in large press-n-brew teabags from Moutain Rose Herbs but you could also use an old knee-high pantyhose or even some cheesecloth. The teabags only hold 1/2 cup but I would recommend one full cup if using the pantyhose. You don't want to put it directly into the bath though because the lavender flowers and oatmeal could clog up the drain. Just toss the teabag or stocking into the tub while filling with warm water. Squeeze or swish around a few times to release all the skin soothing properties of the oats and lavender.  

Another thing to think about is what a nice gift this would make! Just put the milk bath into a pretty jar (prettier than this one! LOL!) and give with usage instructions.

This post brought to you at the request of Mooberry Farmwife who asked for the recipe for the milk bath that I had included in the Bath Basket she won! :)


  1. And let me be the first to thank you for posting it!! This is fabulous and I used up my last one so I am excited to make some more. Thanks, Candy. :)

  2. Oh, doesn't that sound wonderful! The perfect way to end a long, action-packed weekend!

  3. Mooberry Farmwife,
    You are very welcome! :)

    That would be a nice way to relax after a busy weekend!

  4. As soon as I can clean all the plastic squirty-fish & other bathtime tub toys out of OUR bathtub (ha, it's dd's now!), I'm going to have to try that. Maybe even convince DH to take DD to the park for a while so I can try it in peace.

  5. sounds absolutely dreamy!

    I may give this one a try.


  6. Carolyn,
    That's why I added to shut the door! LOL!!

    It is a nice treat just for you! :)

  7. It's been a while since I made this. I really miss having a bathtub to soak in sometimes.

  8. I love this idea! I didn't realize you could purchase tea bags- good to know.

  9. Teresa,
    Even though I have a tub I only seem to use it in the winter! LOL!!

    Check with Mountain Rose Herbs, they have them in all different sizes! :)

  10. I just planted new lavender plants this past summer. I hope to have enough lavender from them for many uses. This is one recipe I'll need to keep. Thanks.

  11. Kristina,
    I lost my good English lavender plant last year and I sure miss it!


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