Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Toffee Brownies

Back in June, I posted the recipe for my Brownie Mix and the basic brownies that I usually make with it. I just love having premade mixes around to save time and money when the urge hits to whip up something delicious or, heaven forbid, the Goody Plate is empty!

Yesterday, I was going to make our regular brownies but noticed a bag of Heath toffee bits in the freezer that needed to be used up. I thought that they would probably go pretty good in some brownies and ya' know what, I was RIGHT!! :-)

2 1/4 cups Brownie Mix
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup Heath toffee bits

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9-inch square pan with cooking spray. Combine Brownie Mix and toffee bits in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine butter, milk, eggs and vanilla. Add wet ingredients to dry and beat well. Pour batter into prepared pan. Mmmm...look at all those yummy toffee bits in the batter!

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until edges separate from pan. Makes 16 brownies.

These are so moist and rich that I never frost them but feel free to add your favorite frosting or topping!

There, the Goody Plate is happy again and so is Jerry! ;-)


  1. Mmmmmmmmmm, sounds good. I'll have to give these a try next time I have some Skor bits that need eaten :)

  2. Paula,
    I was happy with how they turned out, hope you get a chance to try them! :)

  3. Seriously? Holy moly, girl. I need to go make me some of those right now... :)

  4. I love this- I can't eat nuts (not allergic) and love this alternative!

  5. Ohhhh, those look so good. I love toffee too.

  6. MamaTea,
    Better get to baking! I'm needing some Buttermilk Pie myself! ;-)

  7. Kathy,
    It's always nice to have alternatives to traditional recipes!

    This was my first time trying the toffee chips but it certainly won't be the last!

  8. Sigh, I put off reading this post as long as possible - but the Toffee finally lured me in. Those look so good I could cry!

  9. Mmmmmm, the recipes on your blog look really good. Can't wait to try the toffee bars! I always like to try a new recipe!
    I'm now a new follower of your blog, (the horse face)

  10. Susan,
    I'm sorry! I'm going to do a recipe for Jambalaya today that you should be able to enjoy!

  11. SweetLand Farm,
    Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower! I just checked out your blog and I love it! :)

  12. My husband would totally love these!

  13. oooo, english toffee bits, what a great idea!!!


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