Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Me And My Shadow

The ravens were hanging out down at the barn early yesterday afternoon. I have been wanting to post about them here for some time so I headed out with the camera. Little brats, when they saw me coming, they took off! They usually just sit and "talk" to me. I wonder if they thought the camera was a gun?!? Hmmm...

Anyway, I was trying to take some pictures of the horse, Paco, but they weren't coming out like I wanted. Then, I noticed his shadow...

So I decided to get the goat girls in on the fun! Madeline says she knows she's beautiful! Check out the shadow of her udder!

I kept having to back away from Nike, she thought the camera was treats! Looking at her shadow, she doesn't need any more treats!

Run away Abigail, run away! Heaven forbid someone should be trying to pet you! Hmmm...don't think she needs any more treats either!

I figured I should include myself in the shadow game...

Okay, no more treats for Candy!! Yikes!!


  1. LOL! what a fun post! :) stinkin ravens don't know what they missed!

  2. TWG,
    I'll get those ravens eventually! ;)

  3. What a great post! I love ravens - they are incredibly smart and camera-shy, it seems. We ALL like our treats on this homestead ;o)

  4. This was too funny. By the way I owe you a farm friend gift. I know what it will be I just need to get it finished. I will try this weekend. I enjoy reading about your life. Cathy

  5. This was too funny. By the way I owe you a farm friend gift. I know what it will be I just need to get it finished. I will try this weekend. I enjoy reading about your life. Cathy

  6. Susan,
    We're all pretty partial to our treats here too! ;)

    Thanks! I'll be getting your package ready this weekend too! :)

  7. Cute goats! loved your shadow post. :)

  8. What a great post! Fun pictures! What a good looking group of folks on your farm!

  9. Such a fun post with all the shadows! I love the udder shadow.

  10. Thanks ladies! I had fun putting this together!

  11. funny photos of your goats, they made me laugh!
    nice way to hae fun!

  12. Mararia,
    They always make me laugh too! I love my goaties! :)

  13. we all need treats, maybe just not so many, lol.

  14. Everybody knows that camera shadow pics add 10 lbs!

  15. Tombstone Livestock,
    Yeah, I know, I'm working on that! ;-)

    Fearless Farmgirl,
    I like your reasoning!! LOL!!


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