Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fingerless Gloves/Handwarmers

My blogger friend Sharon at High Prairie Farmgirl was talking about taking up knitting again and posted a picture of some lovely knit fingerless gloves as inspiration. I asked her about them and she turned me on to What a great site! I looked through all the fingerless glove/handwarmer patterns and decided I would like to make these.

I used to knit quite a bit but haven't so much lately. I have made everything from socks to sweaters to afghans (yep, I like to knit afghans) and have even made mittens before. I really like this pattern because they are knit flat and then seamed together, as opposed to knitting in the round.

The moss stitch adds some nice texture too.

I was really pleased with how quickly they knit up, even with my rusty skills! I was able to finish them in two days and that was knitting in between batches of bread! You can find the pattern here.

I'm looking forward to wearing my new fingerless gloves on our morning walks. :)
Linking up to The Country Homemaker Hop co-hosted by Heidi at My Simple Country Living and Michelle at Michelle's Little Piece Of Heaven.


  1. Candy, those are nice! I love the color and that moss stitch really creates a nice texture. I will have to look up that pattern - fingerless gloves are a must-have around here.

  2. You are so talented! I'm amazed at the neat things people can knit. I love that color of blue. It reminds me of my peacock.

  3. Susan,
    I really like the texture that the moss stitch gives them. Fingerless gloves are the BEST on the farm! :)

    It does look peacock-y blue huh?!? Your bird is just gorgeous!

  4. I love these. Unfortunately I can't knit. Is there a site that gives a walk thru knitting course?

  5. I wish I knew how to do this! I can do "beginner" crochet, but would love to be able to do more. These look great!

  6. Very, very, very nice! I might have already told you this, cant remember... but I crochet, started about 4 years ago this past Nov. If you go to my other blog, All Because 2 People Fell In Love I've been postin some crochet stuff lately :)

  7. They look great!

    I do not crochet. The only thing I ever did that came close was weaving pot holders on those little square metal looms they had when I was growing up.

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Michelle,
    There are actually quite a few out there or you could do a class at a local yarn shop. Basic knitting is really pretty easy. Of course, there are a lot of fancy stitches too!

    It just takes practice, practice, practice! LOL!!

  9. Jennifer,
    I'll have to go check out your "stuff!" :)

    Thanks! Hey, those little looms are a LOT of fun! :)

  10. Hi Candy, These look terrific. I am still practicing my knitting. I like the moss looks very nice. Is that the knit 2, purl 2 pattern? I am going to do a scarf first. They called it the bark pattern. Nice texture on both sides. I am glad to tell you about the allknitting site.

  11. Hi Candy,
    These are really cute. Like Michelle, I have got to learn how to knit. I knew how once, 30 years ago. The how-to fell out of my head somehow. They look so warm and soft. Thank you for sharing and for linking them to The Country Homemaker Hop!

  12. Sharon,
    This moss stitch was actually K1, P1 for two rows and then P1, K1. The one you mentioned is the standard one I have heard of before. I'm looking forward to seeing your scarf! :)

    I'll bet if you practiced some it would all come back!

  13. I like mine. My sister gave me a pair for my b-day once.

  14. I've been trying to make a pair of these for some time now... lol! You're look wonderful!

  15. SweetLand Farm,
    They are handy to have, especially for farm work!!

    I was surprised at how easy this pattern was and I like the fact that they are knit flat! :)


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