Thursday, February 2, 2012

First of the Month - February

I'm joining Jan at Murrieta 365 for her First Of The Month meme all this year. Here are the ground rules per her site: "The goal is to capture one thing repeatedly on the first of each month. It can be a landscape, a person, an animal, a project; whatever your focus is, is fine. It can even be a record of where you are each First of the Month." I am focusing on my Alpine doe, Abigail, and her first pregnancy and kidding. You can find my post for January here. By the way, it's not too late to join in! :)
I'm also linking up with the brand new Rural Thursday Blog Hop hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal and Lisa at Two Bears Farm. Check it out! :)

I was thinking that there really wasn't a lot of difference noticeable with Abigail since last month, until I went back and looked at last month's pictures! Her belly is definitely bigger and lower.

Because she is pregnant, I'm focusing on her nutrition. As you can see, she's really enjoying the mineral blocks we have out for the animals!

She also gets a 16% protein grain ration every day to help the babies grow big and strong. This is the same "goat cereal" I feed to Madeline while I'm milking her. All of the goats get good quality alfalfa for their hay.

I put Abigail down in the spare pen to feed her the goat cereral to make sure she gets it and not her maaa or grandmommy! She is a bit skittish yet, sometimes I can pet her and love on her and sometimes NOT!! Her maaa was the same way at this age and has turned out to be a great milker and is a real love with me. I'm working on getting Abigail settled down so that she will lead every time and come over to me for lovin'. Of course, if I have the bowl of goat cereal, I'm her best friend! LOL!!
That's it for this month, by next month she should really be getting big as she will be three months' pregnant.


  1. I guess using the bowl of goat cereal will help train her. :)

    Good luck and thanks for the pictures!

  2. First of the Month.....sounds like a great idea! May have to steal that from you guys.

    And Abigail looks beautiful! My Saanens are just boring ol' white, it's so nice to see colorful goats!

  3. a very pretty girl - necklace and all.

  4. What a beautiful goat! I'm excited to hear about her kidding.

    Thanks for linking up with Rural Thursdays!

  5. LindaG,
    It sure doesn't hurt! LOL!!

    Carolyn Renee,
    Her coloring comes from her Nubian daddy! :)

  6. TWG,
    I just love the very colorful plastic goat chains! Abigail keeps breaking hers which is why there are different colored links.

    Thanks and thank you and Nancy for putting on Rural Thursday! :)

  7. Such a pretty girl -- I bet her baby will be gorgeous! I don't have any goats, but I am in love with new kids when I see them on other's blogs. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing with Rural Thursday today. Very much appreciated!

  8. Very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  9. Nancy,
    I know I'm prejudiced but baby goats are really, really cute! Thank you and Lisa for hosting! :)

    Thanks! :)

  10. She's such a pretty girl. It's amazing what that container of food can do for their liking you. :-)

  11. She's due about a month after me. My stinkin' human isn't giving me any of that delicious sweet feed. Harumph!

  12. Teresa,
    Ain't that the truth!! LOL!!

    I'll bet if you smile at her with your pretty goatie smile she will! :)

  13. I am definately following. You can show me photos of goats and the beautiful southwest anytime!

  14. Michaele,
    Thanks! I love my goats and living here in the southwest so you'll see pictures! :)

  15. I love this idea! I think I will join... even a little late! :) I can't wait to see her babe(s) on the first of some month! :)

  16. she is a beautiful doe! Looking forward to following along each month!

  17. I fell in love with a pygmy nubian goat at the county fair, and I can't wait to be at our country place full-time so I can have one. Also can't wait to learn from you via regular posts on Miss Abigail, thanks to Rural Thursday.

  18. Hi, She is pretty and I am looking forward to your monthly posts. The photos are good...keep it up.

  19. I remember over 50 years ago -- some neighbors across the valley had goats. They had Houdini qualities and would sometimes end up on our hill. One day a Billy Goat showed up at our door which prompted my brother to hop on his bike and ride down the stretch of highway that separated our little farms. He was pedaling along when a car pulled up beside him and the person yelled out "Mary had a little lamb.. NOT A GOAT" My brother looked over his shoulder and that goat was pedaling as fast as he was .. right down the road.

    I will look forward to returning to see the belly grow.

  20. aka Jules,
    Please do join in, it's a lot of fun!


    The pygmys are just too stinkin' cute! :)

  21. Sharon,
    Thanks! :)

    LOL!! Funny story, thanks for sharing!!

  22. stopped over thanks to "rural journal" what a great goat. (:

  23. So cute! Love the goat bellies as they grow!! Can't wait to see the babies eerrrr rather the kids!


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