Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday, #5

Today, I am thankful for...

...the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning. Hearing the rooster crow in the morning as I'm going down to milk the goat always brings a smile to my face, even though he doesn't quite have his "grown-up" voice yet or maybe it's because he doesn't quite have his grown-up voice yet! ;-)


  1. that's cute! we don't have chickens on property, but several faraway neighbors have them, so depending on which way the winds blow, i get to enjoy their tunes, too!

  2. We don't have a rooster either, but I enjoy hearing them (from afar) My Amish neighbor has "threatened" to put a rooster in my pen, but I told him if he did, that he'd find it outside his bedroom window one morning! :)

  3. Can't wait until I have a rooster to listen to.
    Thanks for the picture and the little update of your day. :)

  4. I love the sound of roosters crowing....although the three juveniles we currently have are apparently trying to out-crow one another and it is a bit noisy here at times.

    It's also funny to hear the almost-grown-up roosters practice their crowing when they are young; their crows remind me of the sound of those cheapie New Year's Eve party horns!

  5. Such a handsome young fella. Hope he stays nice.

  6. TWG,
    Nothin' says "country" like a crowing rooster!

    That's funny! :)

    I know you will enjoy having a rooster!

  7. Carolyn Renee,
    They do sound sooo funny when they are young! :)

    Me too! I don't want a Naughty Rooster Boy like you have! Yikes!

  8. I love the sound of a rooster crowing in the morning. We have a little rooster neighbor who lives a few acres away, but I hear him well from my bed at 3am most mornings... I think his biological clock is confused, but I still love hearing him. It'd worry me if I didn't hear him.

  9. Heidi,
    Our first rooster used to crow in the middle of the night too! Never could figure that out! LOL!!

  10. He is a very pretty boy. When we had a rooster...he and the neighbors rooster would try to out do each other. I have been thinking about chickens...and have actually asked a friend to go with me on it. No go at this time. We just have too much snow, and too many predators here at the farm.

  11. Young roosters always sound so funny. I do enjoy hearing my rooster crowing in the morning. Sometimes he will crow in the middle of the night.

  12. I was treating the chickens yesterday, and our two roosters fought over it. Then...they got into a rooster fight. I do love listening to them however.

  13. Sharon,
    Keeping them safe from the predators is sure a big job!

    I haven't heard him in the middle of the night but the house is all closed up so he could be! :)

    Jeez, I hate it when they fight!

  14. Your so much nicer then me when it comes to roosters. I'm not a big fan of them waking me up at 4:30am. Nope not at all. I much prefer my happy clucking hens!

  15. My 6 roosters would crow all day long and through out the night.. I don't get enough sleep as it is so I am glad they no longer live here. Enjoy your guy and better you then me.


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